I believe you can do a multi-color selection, but with the same print &'s a quote from the website:
Hey Bob: Can I get different color Kustom Koozies and is there a charge for that?
Another good question, Yes you can, limit 10 per color, and make sure the ink will be ok. For example don't order yellow and black coozies with black ink. Black with black ink will not look that great. You can order a minimum of 50 pieces of blanks per color. There is a single $10.00 extra charge for mixing it up. Put your color choices in the box for extra info at the bottom. In the event a color is not available another similar color will be substituted. This multiple color option is to give you some choices here. A substitution happens only 1 in 10 times and you may want to indicate your first choice in substitutions. We will not contact you in this event of a substitution. It will be a surprise. If this is not agreeable, I would suggest 1 color, where there are no substitutions. We are just trying to keep people happy.