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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kristy! View Post
    Woo hoo! I've been liciousized! Question though, should I have a "y" or an "i" before the licious? I thought the y looked a little funny, but now I am afraid I messed it up.
    That's why you need a * in the mix! Kristy*licious*

    Originally Posted by tvt View Post
    ha, me too! we need a new task now....
    OK now, lets not get TOO crazy!

    Originally Posted by Yari View Post
    You need to change your user name to **Tara** or Tara#1 :)
    I vote for Tara#1 for sure!

    Originally Posted by tvt View Post
    HA, Tara #1, is so funny yet so wrong. I might as well change it to "I'm So Vain" as my user name, then my title could be, "yes i think the song is about me".
    Whatev! It's not like you had a choice. I mean, what are you supposed to do here? Someone already took Tara. This seems completely reasonable to me.

    I almost changed it to TaraVT. but that just looks funny. if i would have jumped on the name bandwagon a long time ago tara would have been available.
    Don't beat yourself up - there is never anything good that can come out of this type of behavior wink.gif
  2. Hey girls...I'm bored too. Well, actually I would say "uninspired" is a better description. I'm in that space where I have like 10 things to do & I'm being super ADD and working on each one for 5 minutes at a time & then switching to the next. I hate it when I do that. It's usually a good sign I need to BDW.


    Yari - I love your new Yarilicious tagline! I think I would like to change mine now too.

  3. Ugg Erin, that is super frustrating. I think I would react the same way you did in that situation.


    R does this every once in a while, kinda talks to me like I'm retarded in my opinion. I generally laugh & say "oh I'm sorry, did you forget you are at home dealing with your WIFE and not at work dealing with your employees??" For us that generally puts a stop to it & he'll laugh too.


    Your case seems more extreme...like it's an ingrained family thing. I wouldn't give it up though - I would def let him know how it makes you feel & that it is an unacceptable way to communicate with you. Y'all need to come up with your own variety of acceptable behavior...you are not a soldier, a child or a submissive wife for christ's sake!

  4. Hi! OK, so I can't help you with the templates, but I can share my C&P experience.


    I thought they were great. I remember being surprised at how quickly I got my order. I'm also extremely DIY challenged, and forgot to even think about ordering envelopes. So I had to order from them AGAIN, and that came quickly too.


    Metalic vs. Canvas: metallic is well, metallic! I used a metalic pocketfold for my invites & I liked it....although it is definitely "slippery" compared to the non-metalics. Canvas has a texture to it, like a woven feel.


    Also, I def recommend ordering a samples kit so you can make a mockup of your invite & make sure you like the whole concept before ordering all the supplies. (I did this, so that makes it 3 times I ordered from them!)

  5. I've gotta tell you Glenda, your post hits home with me. As a recently new home owner with a mortgage, this is a very scary time! I have always been a saver & been able to sock away a good 25% of my net...I have reduced that to half and it's not because I have a mortgage. It's been due to the incremental increases in cost of gas and food. We just aren't getting the bang for our buck we used to. I have never worried about money, but I think about it way more these days. It sucks.

  6. Dan is really taking a risk here! I think it is pathetic/hilarious how he did his fake cry while reading the letter from his GF. And then how about that "Taken" shirt he's sporting now?!


    And the April & Ollie things. Really? How can she not realize all that PDA has been broadcast world wide? Has she never watched BB before?? I'm glad she's gone.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yari View Post
    I was in shock and I was like oh okay. I really didn't know how to react.

    It didn't hit me until I started to talk to my coworkers about it and they were floored.

    The funny thing is I told my mom and she was so pissed off. AND she is totally Catholic.
    I totally know what you mean Yari...like you are stuck because you aren't really sure this is happening right now. I've done that before & later I get pissed. Totally delayed reaction.
  8. Ooooh!!! I likey! Very nice cut on you. What are your wedding colors? Would that be an option for the sash? Cuz I kinda like the idea of a sash on that dress. Beautiful!

  9. Shoot, I totally forgot about posting to this blog for a minute! The good news is now you can see the transformation in my living room! Not quite done yet, I have some lighting on order and would really like to re-orient the television....


    here's a pic with the new rug:





    I'm looking at this line of lighting:


    I would hang this pendant light over the coffee table & then use the floor lamps in the corner of the dining area & also in one corner of the living area.


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