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Everything posted by A10CalGal

  1. Ummm, so is it bad that my brain size is that of a gorilla? To be fair, I did this last night while watching the end of the 60 Minutes piece on Judge Scalia.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Yell at my friends! They are probably all at work. I want them too! I will bug them again. NO TIME FOR WORK FRIENDS!!! This is way too important. For crying out loud, there are like at least 20 people waiting to see these pics....and Yari is in grave danger of coming out of her hangover state...and might start thinking straight & then might get modest & not want to post! DAmmit!
  3. YADIRA!! Where are the pictures?!
  4. OK, damn you girls!! I had to go & add it too...
  5. Alright, so here we are: the Renegade Alliance has made it to the final two. Now what? Who do you think will win? Assuming the vote is based on strategic game play, then obviously Dan is the winner. I wonder how many people will get emotional with their vote though?
  6. LOL! Oh man, I think every single one of us has experienced this...and I totally remember calling everyone & getting similar answers to what you go. And it's hilarious too that other married people do this to you...HELLO!!! Ugh, yep, it's normal & it sucks. And F em if they don't respond in time to get all the goodies you have planned for your good guests.
  7. Oh my goodness Shelly...this is a huge deal obviously. I can't believe you are going through this. I am so happy that it's a known thing that you are dealing with pro-actively...but still, I totally get why you are feeling the way you are. I bet you will have way more support that you can imagine when this surgery happens. I wish you the best possible outcome.
  8. When is your wedding? I bet things will change between now & then. But, yeah, ditto on what the ladies above say - whacky family stuff abounds at some point during ANY type of wedding planning.
  9. OMG, there better be a pic of you on that bull girl!! I'm glad you had such a fab time.
  10. Awww, poor baby What's the deal with the buttons? I don't get it! He is such a cute though, and he looks so sweet and innocent.
  11. You look gorgeous girl! I am so sorry about the lack of video thing.. .that's total crap.
  12. That sounds like a very cool bach party girl!! That's awesome of your girls to make it so awesome!
  13. Yay!! Great review. I am thrilled to hear what an easy experience you had. And I love the morning wedding, then a break, and the reception later. That's fun!
  14. Hmmm...I personally wouldn't get too excited. I bank with WAMU and I really like the service I get with them. I know they just replaced the CEO a few weeks ago & it was a big deal in the news. I was actually thinking it would be a good time to buy some WaMu stock since it's so low!!
  15. Holy wow! What would we do for entertainment without people like that in the world? I wonder if her dad walked her down the aisle?
  16. OMG, I needed this today! Angel, you are an evil little Angel!! The only thing that would make it better is if I could paste someone's face in there .... coworker is KILLING me today!
  17. Wowzers! I love the loco en la cabeza for LC Rachel!! I always think of LC from the Hills for some reason even though I know it stands for Las Caletas. Yadi/Yari - whew, your mom really had to make that tough!! Mine is kris*tah, kris*duh...something like that.
  18. mmmm....sushi!! I like to just get sashimi, so there is no rice involved. I would probably have to kill myself if it's bad for me...it's one of my last remaining pleasures!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari One more thing, I have to be honest. I absolutely loved the Friday I am bored thread. It saved my day. I totally agree!!
  20. Nice Abbie. This is a reach for me because I am not in any way even close to happy today...but I am happy that I just booked a flight to go home in a few days for the weekend.
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