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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Yep, I'm watching too. I got sucked in by one of those marathons.


    I know it's basically a marketing tool for Jo's music, but I still love it.


    **I just saw the preview for tonights episode & I am freakishly excited. I also noted a severe application of glitter & bronzer! Gnarly.

  2. I only watched a piece of it. Honestly, it was too hard for me. My grandfather died of non-hodgkins lymphoma less than 2 years ago.


    I donate my time and money every year in some way to help this cause. It's very difficult to watch the personal experiences. I understand the value, but it's just hard.


    Katiebell & Kathie - you are beautiful & strong women! I support you 100%.

  3. Damn girl, I almost think I should post because I don't even know what an E is like!


    But I will tell you my experience. I am a 36D and thought I needed cups sewn in too. The thought of wearing anything other than my dress seemed crazy! As it turned out, my dress was well fitted & well "boned" and I didn't need anything! Yes, I was completely boob naked under my dress.


    I don't know what your dress is like, but if it's a substantial bodice, you might just want a really good couple of fittings to get it right.


    Maybe I'm crazy? IDK. But, I can't imagine a beach wedding with a bustier.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pug3636 View Post
    April is a biotch!!! When she said something about Keesha having to live with herself after the show I couldn't even fricking believe it! April had SEX in front of the entire Internet world and she thinks Keesha is the one that's going to be embarrased? Holy cow she's delusional! And clips on the Internet don't just go away quickly. She reminds me of one of those people that treats others like crap and doesn't understand why everyone hates her and blames it on jealousy. I was also a big fan of Renny. She seemed the most real to me. Keesha's a bit whiney but she comes across ten times better than April the hater.
    OMG, seriously with the April thing! She is completely delusional. I yelled at the TV last night when she sait that ish about Keesha. DUDE- you f'ed a guy in front of the world~! I think she's one of those girls that lies, lies, lies & believes her own lies.

    I was sad about Renny too...and she totally annoyed me in the begining, but I came to adore her.

    And, if Keesha has a fat ass...damn, I am in some serious trouble!
  5. Seriously! He was so ridiculously direct, it almost made me feel like I was naked! That kind of vibe is threatening to me. But seriously, I wonder if he's had luck with that? Cuz he seemed pretty damned confident! Like I was going to say "you know, you caught me on a great day! Why don't you follow me to my house, it's about a mile from here."

  6. OMG. A guy just totally tried to pick me up at the corner gas station! I was on my way home from work and stopped at the same gas station I always stop for beer/wine/whatever. I noticed him fueling his nice Harley as I walked in (I was noticing the bike!). When I walked out, he was parked next to my car!! I immediately had my spidey senses heightened.


    So I'm walking to my car & and he says "How important is that ring to you?" as he's gesturing towards his ring finger. WHAT? "Is that ring important?" I just nervously laughed & got in my car & he kept staring at me. And one last comment "is that ring just for show?"


    WOW!! That is some balls! Seriously, there are a million un-married women in the area & this guy is trying to pick up on a married woman at the gas station? (my adrenaline was screaming as I pulled out of there cuz I think I thought he was going to mug me!)

  7. Yuck! I definitely think you should just forget it with her. If she comes to the wedding, AWESOME! If not, WHATEVER! I wouldn't push her involvement since she is already thrusting her judgement on you. You don't need that noise.


    I totally respect your motivation to ask for her involvement...I just think you need to listen to what she's telling you & not try to change it. I think it would invite drama, and you don't need it!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
    Christa - the super*licious just reminded me of the song:
    The S is for Super and the U if for Unique...the P is for Perfection and you know we can be beat. The E is for Exotic and the R is for Rap...so tell you something something just to stay the h@ll back....or somthing like that. haha!
    OMG yes!! Isn't that Salt n' Peppa?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tvt View Post
    No joke. We've got 4 more hours to occupy!
    Well, now that I'm back from lunch, it's down to 3 hours left!

    Originally Posted by Yari View Post
    I am out of here in 15 minutes! Yay! I have an eye doctor appointment and I need to pick up my step-daughter from school. The weekend is just a few short minutes away for me.
    You suck Yari-licious

    Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
    That's not that bad.

    Probably my most embarassing slip up...Let me preface this by saying I have terrible eye-sight! I am probably legally blind without glasses or contacts. So, I see an old guy friend from high school. He moved away to college, so I hadn't seen him in about 6 months. Well, I go running up to this man and slap him on the ass!

    Too bad I didn't get a good look at his face first, before leaning in to kiss him, it was the wrong guy!!!!

    The girl next to him was also pretty surprised and a little pissed! OOPS!
    That is AWESOME!!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
    blahaha i just busted out laughing. "life sux"
    Dude, and get this...as I stood up & started to make a break for it, my boss wants to talk to me. I almost peed on him!

    Originally Posted by ErinB View Post


    I'm part of the Club*a*licious-ness now!

    Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
    I sooooo just joined to licious club girls!!! Woo hoo!!!!
    Let's see what it looks like.
    Look at this! We're starting a total trend (or epidemic depending on your view point).
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tvt View Post
    haaaa, christa you are killing me today.
    Thanks for the love Taralicious. I'm just punchy I guess & it comes out as humorous here. AWESOME!! Dammit, I have to pee so bad right now that it's going to actually hurt when I get up & walk the walk to the ladies room. UGH, life sucks.
  12. I don't know if the rep points & karma have anything to do with eachother. I know people can add to your reputation or add an infraction that could lower your reputation.


    I think the karma is just like in life: you can't really pin it down, but you know when you do something bad/negative, it will catch up with you one day & vice versa!


    (haha bitches, I have level six karma!!)

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