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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yari View Post
    Yell at my friends! They are probably all at work. I want them too!

    I will bug them again.
    NO TIME FOR WORK FRIENDS!!! This is way too important. For crying out loud, there are like at least 20 people waiting to see these pics....and Yari is in grave danger of coming out of her hangover state...and might start thinking straight & then might get modest & not want to post!

  2. Hmmm...I personally wouldn't get too excited. I bank with WAMU and I really like the service I get with them. I know they just replaced the CEO a few weeks ago & it was a big deal in the news. I was actually thinking it would be a good time to buy some WaMu stock since it's so low!!

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