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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shelly View Post
    thankss...my FI and my mommys sister are taking me to the hospital but my grandparents and cousins and lots of friends are coming to visit me once im getting better :)
    OK, good, you have lots of support. Lean on your people! That's what they are there for. Be good to yourself. We are all rooting for your swift recovery!
  2. Oh my...I am totally crying right now Morgan! What a great thread, I am just now finding it.


    I don't live close enough to my grandma to be able to do a drive by anymore, and that sucks. It seems like every time I go home she's out of town, so I haven't seen her in a year! I am going home this weekend and I am going to try my very best to go see her. She is in the early stages of dimentia, so it's pretty hard sometimes...one day she'll be clear as a bell & the next she's calling me Carol (my mom's name).


    And, unfortunately, I don't have a daddy sad.gif But, I do have a friends dad who was/is very close to a daddy figure. I'm going to give him a hug & buy him a beer this weekend!

  3. Awww...gosh, that totally sucks. I would feel very conflicted too. If you are going to go thru with it, you def need peace of mind as far as the new home goes. I think the vet office posting is a great idea. Do any of your friends love your kitties? You could guilt them into taking the cats, and you could still have visitation rights!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
    and yet another year without raises at my company ...

    i keep telling myself i'm lucky to have a job. repeating it like a mantra. otherwise i would go apeshit on the bosses here. it is so frustrating to see all the unnecessary spending that goes on here while we can't even get raises.

    the bosses have money, and are therefore out-of-touch with the reality of the little guy's financial hurting.

    OMG, I think I could have written that exact thing!!
  5. Oh Yari, yay! May I just comment that you do not appear nearly as trashed as I was expecting...maybe you just pull it off really well.


    And this Burt character...are you telling me the same blow up guy has made it to every bachelorette? You haven't popped him yet??


    Oh, and one last thing: not only did you ride the bull, but you rode the bull in a DRESS!!! Man, that could have gotten pretty messy, but it looks like you kept it classy, way to go!

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