So, if I were to address this issue, I wouldn't see it as a "why are the women I date so crazy?" issue, but rather a "what is it about me/my past that attracts dysfunctional relationships." We tend to recreate past dysfuntion in current relationships, whether we are conscious of it or not.
I used to wonder why every guy I dated turned out to be a lying cheating asshole...thought I had bad luck. Then I realized that I was attracting lying cheating assholes - so then I had to take a look at myself. What was the underlying cause for bringing sub-par people into my life? What kind of people do I really want to attract into my life? What do I need to do differently to make that happen? Honestly, there was a lot of deep shit there, but the easiest thing I did was this: when you feel a strong attraction to someone, turn around & walk away! You are attracted to crazy girls, like it or not. You need to start dating girls that you don't feel an instant crazy attraction to...try it.