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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
    rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif HAHAHA... dumbass Matty. I hope he gets the boot, he's such a loser.
    Ahh - great minds think alike Courtney! We must have been posting simultaneously. He is such a little bitch. I loved it when he said "the kid with the pink hair has defeated a guy from Boston."
  2. James is so powerful right now!! What do you guys think about what went down last night??


    First off, I think Sheila is just really lucky that there was the whole controversy over "who was the third vote"...because she's been getting more & more nutty. Matty is so going down!! Natty seems like she is going to flip out if he goes.

  3. I tend to be of the opinion that you should follow your gut. I personally did not publish any announcements because I only want people I know & care about to know my personal business. I think public announcements invite contact from people you haven't heard from in a while - in most cases thats cool, but if you have a crazy ex who tried to kill himself, not so cool.

  4. Awwww - great story Kate. I'm so glad you rescued that dog. And I'm also glad you found his owner.


    I am a total bleeding heart when it comes to lost/abandoned animals - I got that from my mom for sure. I used to do the same thing Maria talked about - sitting patiently waiting for a stray cat or dog to finally approach me & make friends.


    Ahhh, you are a good person. And I totally love that you have an office supply of pig ears!

  5. I think you look quite beautiful in that dress!!


    Arms, schmarms! I think that is what you see when you view the pictures, because that is exactly what you are obsessing about when it comes to your body image.


    Now, what everybody else sees is a gorgeous girl in a gorgeous dress!

  6. Wow, I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing all of this anxiety & fear about your pregnancy. It seems reasonable though, given all of the background. Definitely make a list of questions & concerns to address at your first appointment - information can kill the anxiety in my experience.

  7. haha Martha - yes there is wood in there. It's a gas fire place. That is one thing I had a hard time with - there is a moratorium on the installation of wood burning fire places in our county - can you believe that crap? So we have a "faux fire place."

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
    Well Rachelle, it turns our your DH and mine should be best friends. smile124.gif

    I talked to him about it when I got home and he did exactly what your DH did, hoping it would garner sympathy and more money. shitfan.gif don't i feel stupid now... blush2.gif he even told me i shouldnt believe everything i read on the internet, because i am the one always telling other people that! haha
    Maura - I was thinking about your situation last night. I'm glad this turned out the way it did. My hubby uses Craigslist all the time. I mentioned this to him & he said that he posted his Harley Davidson for sale yesterday (yikes - trying not to feel bad) and said "must go, raising money for closing costs under wife's direction." :) Whatever it takes baby, whatever it takes!!
  9. Wow, thanks ladies!! That's really sweet that you took the time to recognize our 1 year anniversary blush2.gif Today has been a crazy day already, kinda like a Friday the 13th to be honest, but I have to stop the crazy & say "it doesn't matter, today it's been a year since I married Rafael! So it's a great day & that is all it is going to be about - celebrating our marriage." I do wish we were in Cabo right now though...


    Time has gone by so quickly it's just crazy. Our first year of marriage has been filled with almost every life change you can imagine - new state, new jobs, building a house, oh yeah, and trying to build a strong marriage. It's been hard! But I guess thats what they say right? The first year is always the hardest. I feel like we are through the woods and can see the light at the other side finally! We are about to move into our new house & start a whole new chapter. Our goal for this 2nd year of marriage is to really focus on the love we have for each other & re-introduce some of those fun things we used to do that have gone away in the past 6 crazy months.


    Thanks girls - and I'm glad you all have such great memories of the chair ties!!! For all the fans of those moments, here's a look back:


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by abileneway View Post
    I built my home 4 years ago. I love it! Very personalized. But, the one thing I still wish I would have done is put more electrical outlets in the garage. I know it may sound like a small thing but I have one and my deep freezer is on that one. Thank God I'm with Mr. Handyman now and that's the top of his ToDo list for this spring smile123.gif
    That was the area that I delegated to the hubby - deciding where outlets go, if we need extra ones...I just had no clue!
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