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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Good morning friends! Gawd, could those pictures be any more retarded??!! We had sooooo much fun just talking about completely random stuff. What was my point? LOL!


    Thanks Abby for being the official reporter on the event. We will def have to do this again. And for sure a doggy date when the damn snow stops.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
    OK so 6 or 7ish at Smith on Cap Hill, right? Christa, I'll call you when I'm on my way, what time do you think you will be leaving work?
    Hey lady...I'll be leaving between 5 & 5:30 today if I don't go home first because I have this new-fangled chesty cough thing all of the sudden that makes me want to rip my own lungs out :)
  3. Hehehe Abby! Is somebody over thinking our get together?? Just kidding.


    I will say that when Kate & I got together it did kinda feel like a blind date before I got there. Once we found eachother it was just AWESOME. I thought Kate was totally like her online persona & felt immediately comfortable. We shot the shit for a few hours until we were too cold to continue sitting outside, so we bailed.


    So regarding the etiquette question, is it not cool to get completely wasted & ask you to drive me home? LOL!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
    right on! then we can try and pick out who we think J-M and Kris are when they walk in and pretend to be longtime friends to trick them and make them think we're not who they are meeting. and then crack-up over it when we picked the wrong person anyways wink.gif
    Yes, definitely!
  5. You are a doll Abby - I'm sure it would be un-lame if you were to drink & read while waiting for the rest of us working stiffs. Depending on traffic, I can most likely get there about the same time as you...so we can drink & read to eachother!!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LALA View Post
    I took my DH to the airport for a week in Tahoe...and I have the whole house to myself!!! Don't get me wrong, I love having DH around, but there is something so luxurious about having a whole weekend to do whatever you want all alone!
    Yummy! I totally feel you on this one. There definitely is something about having the house to yourself for a few days...it always goes so fast though.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MelissaH View Post
    I was on Cipralex...I really liked it despite the twitches I got for the first few months (they weren't noticeable to anyone but me but they were really irritating) and the lack of sex drive.

    I'm hoping that it's just the crappy weather that's affecting me right now and that I'll start to geel better once the spring gets here. If not it looks like I'll have to go back on it. Not looking forward to that : It's nice to not have to worry about popping pills every morning for a change!!
    Melissa, I know you posted this over a week ago but I just wanted to say you are not alone. I shared with you some time ago that I had been on Zoloft for several years for anxiety & depression. When I discovered I had other things going on (hypothyroid & hormonal imbalances) I came to learn that the anxiety/depression may have been part of that.

    Blah, blah, blah...anyway, point is, I weaned off the Zoloft at the end of last year, maybe November? Then winter hit. A winter like I've never experienced right? Moving from California to Washington introduced me to a whole new winter experience. I didn't think anything of it. Well now I look back on the last 3 or 4 months and reflect on how I've been feeling, how my husband has been reacting to me, etc.....I just read your post & it made me realize - hey, maybe some of that stuff snuck back in? Maybe that's why things have been so hard? Hmmmm....

    I guess it's just an ongoing battle. I share your pain & concerns.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by redwards View Post
    This old lady calls in to ask a very simple question about a feature on her car. I start to explain it to her. She totally cuts me off and says that she wants to speak w/ someone in service about this, not me. I explain that I AM in service and can help her. She interrupts me again - this time like a decibel short of yelling - and says that she does not want to speak to me, she wants to speak to "a MAN who actually knows what they're talking about!!!!" omg...there is no quicker way to piss me off. I put her on hold and found a guy to talk to her...but damn, it sucked SO bad.
    Ok, just reading this makes my blood boil!! What a biznatch!

    There are some really great stories here ladies! I know I have some customer service horrors in my past that stopped me from ever wanting to service customer ever again...but I think I wiped them out of memory!
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