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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
    Hey did you try bb9spoilers.com ??
    OMG, I just went to the link & it says in big bold letters at the top:
    Big Brother 9 - Sheila says she has a itchy vag and that she feels another yeast infection comin…

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    Oh Melissa- you have no idea. I had so much sand up my ass. It truly gives a new meaning to sand in your asscrack. I tried to rinse my body off in the shower before I left the beach, but I had to get in the resorts pool to get the rest out of my ass. haha It hurt when I walked!
    smile120.gif Nice that you dumped all of your ass sand in the pool for all to enjoy!!
  3. Eeek, that sucks Glenda. Here are my other suggestions:

    1. Get rid of the car payment. Sell the car, payoff the loan & buy a beater that he doesn't have to make payments on. I imagine that would free up a decent amount of cash every month.


    2. transfer the debt to a credit card in your name (I'm assuming you can get a low rate). I don't know how you feel about assuming his debt, but it would be an opportunity to pay a much lower interest rate.

  4. I would recommend exploring other options first...like can your FI obtain a card at a lower interest rate to consolidate to? Or is his history just so bad that he can't do any better than 24.9%?


    There is something called the Snowball method that applies a methodology to paying down debt. You first attack the debt with the highest interest rate while you pay the minimum on all the others. By focusing on the biggest nastiest one, you will pay it down quickly & then set your sights on the medium nasty one and so on. Here is a link that explains the method in detail Debt-snowball method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    I believe debt consolidators charge a fee, that is why I encourage exploring the above idea first.

  5. Dammit!!! I have now missed a full week of BB9! The stupid cable guy keeps coming at a time other than the 4 hour window of time assigned to us....asshole. I feel so lost sad.gif


    So Natty is gone?? Sweet! Team Christ is falling apart lol!


    Side note - I almost peed my pants yesterday when I was driving thru a part of town I've never been & saw a Bikini Barista coffee hut! Made me think of Naughty Natty.


  6. Wow, that is a seriously sucky situation. IMO, if you are uncomfortable with her being in your lives (which you should be based on the background info), then your FI needs to respect that & stop allowing any friendship with her affect your soon to be marriage.


    I'm sorry, but being friends with someone you used to get naked with is virtually impossible without someone getting hurt - in this case it's you & it's not fair.

  7. I love this thread Abbie! I ran into it while looking for the "off your chest thread", so it's clear my intentions were bad....I'll switch gears now.


    I am happy because I woke up in a brand new house this morning! And I slept so sound because there is nobody living on top of me, next to me or under me!! YES!

  8. Daisy is the kind of girl I hate to love. She never disappoints...I loved it when they would show her incremental response to not being the first one to get her pass..."I'm like 'what is going onnnnnnnaa?' I am totally gonna diieeeeah if he doesn't pick me [sob sob elbow elbow]" And way to think ahead on those star tatoo's on her throat - that's going to be really nice when the wrinkles come on later in life. But I just love it anyways!!!

  9. OMG you guys, I had to miss BB last night because we don't have cable yet in the new house. My hubby was very disappointed also...


    Any hoo...where have I been? I didn't know Sheila had been in penthouse! Wow. I do not want her to win because she is such a crazy bipolar weirdo. I don't know if that's considered "strategy" or what, but I don't like how she's such a fence sitter & has never won a damn thing.


    I'm not sure if I have a favorite at this point...but I think I might be rooting for Ryan at this point.

  10. Hey - I'm right there with you! We moved ALL of our stuff from an apartment & a large storage unit this weekend. Luckily in a large house there are more places to hide the boxes you aren't ready to deal with yet wink.gif I totally feel your pain (my hands hurt so much it's hard to type!!)


    I swear, on Friday night, our last night in the apt, I almost had a panic attack because it felt like we were living in a trash house - boxes every where, a total mess....ick, I can't even think about it.

  11. Thanks girls! Yes, it is beyond amazing to be out of that 900 sq ft apartment and into our 2250 sq ft brand new home! I have some definite decorating work to do...I'm sure it will be a work in progress as we are not made of money, but you all know the deal.


    I will def have a house warming party sooner rather than later, so all Puget Sound ladies, you are invited :)

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Saraha View Post
    I know! We are actually staying with my future in laws right now, so there is no such thing is privacy. We are actually house sitting because they are moving to Cali and just moved yesterday. We have been with them non stop for 4 months. So you can imagine there has been NO privacy! At least now we have some alone time!

    I know I should see the doc.... I work here for heavens sake!
    Holy crap - you didn't mention this before. That is a huge infringement on your personal life & privacy to be living with ANYONE, much lest the FIL's. I would say that now that they are gone, things might improve for you. Yikes!
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