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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Ok, I feel like I kinda know what's going on with the tidbits you guys are posting. I'd like to thank Comcast for officially ruining my deep connection with BB9 in the final critical weeks (yep, still no cable).


    I am so glad to hear frickin' Sheila is gone. She is so ridiculously dramatic for a person of her age & experience. Good ridance!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    I remember a friend having light spots that turned out to be a fungus that grows on your skin when you are in the sun too much. This was in high school & I don't remember the details. But, it wasn't a big deal. Nothing like a flesh eating bacteria.
    I have a friend that gets these white spots & she has to take an anti-fungal medication when it happens. I don't think it's a big deal, but she just doesn't like the spots.
  3. Whew, at first I thought you were going to say you got in a car accident.


    Cherish this feeling right now, cuz you will never feel it again! This is so exciting girly!! And it's the time where you can kindof start to let go of things & let your grand master plan swing into action. Sit back & watch all of your hard work come to fruition.


    I'm giddy for you!!!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StephanieMN View Post
    Are you girls flashing gang signs? smile120.gif
    dude, there is so much going on in that pic I cannot rightly explain. I like to think it was just a bad moment in time when the pic was taken - like we were trying to organize our chair ties properly....who knows...I seem to remember thinking someone looked like Tupac in their chair tie, so it's entirely possible we were attempting a gang sign there...why do I embarrass myself this way??
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JennyK View Post
    At lunch he'd get like 2-3 bottles of wine and we'd all down them lol I remember last time, on the way back to work from the lunch, me and 2 other girls stopped at a bar and took shots lol No one knew 'cept us. I just crept back into my office like nothing was going on lol
    That is fricking awesome! And a pretty clear indicator that you guys were already trashed...right? That 3 people could decide it's a good idea to stop & have shots on the way back to work? Definitely trashed.
  6. Haha!! Yes, you definitely stink Rachel. I think this is one of those days that freaks bosses out...it's like a no win situation...you do something for the ladies in the office & they get pissed thinking you are calling them secretaries...you don't do anything & then you are insensitive. Lotion is pretty safe I guess. Although, I would much prefer a boozy lunch!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rachelle E. View Post
    OMG! LO-F*CKING-L!!! (yes, I HAD to throw the "F" word in there! lol!) That is the most horrible/hilarious thing I think I've ever heard! I keep envisioning that episode of My Name is Earl where Joy is making fun of her deaf lawyer...so bad, yet SO funny!!! Just shocking really. God...this whole paragraph makes me sound so tacky - but I trust most of you girls know me well enough now to handle it! ;-)
    Gawd Rachelle, what the hell is wrong with you? You are so...what's the word??...TACKY!

  8. Yippee! I saw that Rachel was getting a lot of gifts & it reminded me today is Admin Professionals day, formerly known as Secretary's Day I believe. I always found it a bit offensive for some reason...but in my last job our owners treated as a day to do something special for all of the women in the office. They would take us out to a really great lunch & give us awesome gifts like gift certificates to a spa. Gone are those days for me sad.gif


    So, what is your employer doing for you today?

  9. Holy fricking crap you guys!! I have been ignoring this thread...and then it got renames & I still ignored it, but this morning I am burning time waiting for some body to get back to me so I can progress w/my project blahblahblah. So, I just sat here for the last, oh I don't know, 15 minutes, reading this thread. I had to pee when I started & I think I may have wet myself. Must run to bathroom now.


    You guys are insane & hilarious & I love it! Weed Ferret!

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    Where's the banana hammock pics? I told you I would be forced to post my really nasty one.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    This guy showed up uninvited to my friend's 21st bday party claiming to be our hired stripper. We always thought someone did this as a prank, but I'm not so sure about that now. I think he was just some perv trying to get his jollies with young girls.

    Sorry if I crossed the line and posted an offensive pic. Nothing is offensive to me so I have horrible judgement.
    Holy crap, that is hilarious!! I would be pissed if I had actually payed for a stripper & that's what showed up! Wow...that is just fantastic!
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