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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. I can help on the powerpoint issue. Very simple...


    *Go to File/Save As

    *type in the file name you'd like & change the File Type to JPEG interchange format

    *after you click save, you will be asked if you want to save just one slide or many.


    That should do it!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
    I got crappy picks too sad.gif I bet you that we all wanted the same people so that ended up in some of us getting screwed when they did the random draft. Boo. But yes, you can change some out.

    There should be a rooster link on the top of the page (or maybe when you view the league). Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the swap link. Sorry if that doesn't help, not sure if your screen is set up the same as mine (because I'm the league owner it may look different). But you can swap them out!!!
    Cool! I will try that.
  3. Oooooh, Heidi!! That is super exciting! I can totally relate to how you are feeling. AND - I will be extremely impressed if you actually get to take that bath tomorrow night - I had a similar plan & it took me over a week :)



  4. I was pretty good about keeping within the general umbrella budget I set for our wedding.


    The two things I am most thrilled about in hindsight are:


    1. Welcome Dinner - it wasn't really that much extra money (maybe $1100), but it was a perfect way to get everyone in the mood & getting to know eachother. And I'm really glad I did it 2 nights before the actual wedding so we could all recover completely :)


    2. Open bar @ reception - no worries about anything on this, cuz I probably would have worried if it were on consumption, I'm just that way.

  5. COURTNEY!!! Yay! I have been waiting for this review forever. I read your entire review & I sat here nodding my head because I remember when you made most of those decisions you write about wink.gif


    I am so glad you had such a wonderful experience. You look absolutely gorgeous & radiant & lovely...as expected. Isn't Suzanne & staff amazing? They did a lovely job on your 'do.



  6. I must say that co-habitation pre-marriage was a MUST for me. I needed to know I could stand living with my DH. Also, he has children, so I needed to make sure I could deal with that situation. I can't even imagine getting married without checking those things first - but my situation is a little different than most.

  7. I am going to do my best to get some much needed extra sleep & chill the hell out!


    I've spent today unpacking a few straggler boxes & putting up pictures & stuff. I realized I should not be allowed to hammer things into the wall by myself -so I stopped actually hanging things. I also started putting together our guest room (posted some pics in my blog). I need to run out & buy a duvet cover & matress pad.


    Didn't I say I was going to relax?

  8. sad.gif Tammy, that is very sad. I don't understand how this happens. It blows my mind how many animals you have fostered since I've "known" you. What happens? People buy a dog & then decide they can't take care of it? Don't know how to take care of it? Don't care? That is just senseless that a dog would have heart worm infestation so badly that he has to be put down. It's a simple pill!!
  9. So I don't think I've posted any pics since we've moved into the house. Here is the living room with new couch & coffee table, before we painted:




    **I was so excited to pick this awesome leather couch up for $600 at an auction. I got the table for like $80!


    And now after painting:

    (Looking at these pics, the paint is not translating well digitally. It is much more subtle in real life. It looks very vivid in the pics. )



  10. OK, so Nacho Friday was a huge success & I feel like I am going to explode even 3 hours after initial consumption. So yummy, but so not great for my tummy.


    Marsha pulled through & brough sour cream, olives, tomatoes & jalapenos!! So, no funny story to share there unfortunately.

  11. Rachel! 2 -4-1 pleasure specialists? Ahem...anyways...yeah, I think your hair looks great short! I do also like the idea of going dark too. From personal experience, doing both at the same time can be a little overwhelming after being a blondie for so long.

  12. Well, I've gotten a little bit done - but just routine task type stuff. I haven't started any new projects or done any intense brain work. I did just get done with Nacho Friday & I am extremely full & sleepy. I am trying to get started on an online SQL course I'm taking for work, but I'm just totally not into it.


    I really hope my boss feels like letting the office go early today...please please please!

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