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Everything posted by A10CalGal

  1. Great restaurant! I've been there twice & really enjoyed it both times -the ambiance, the food, the service was all top notch. Are their prices really competitive w/Baja?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH those are rockin, Tammy! Since I spent next to nothing on my gown, I am considering spending some dough on these: but I may go with a more practical heel like these: either way, I am going to try to weasel myself into my first pair of MBs if it kills me! Holy Manolos! I like your thinking lady. Unfortunately if I apply your rational to my situation, I may just need to cut my feet off!!
  3. Wow Sarah, I am blown over by those STD's! That would have been an awesome invitation in itself. I wonder what your invites will look like?? I think you deserve a vacation now
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER I don't know if it's different in other parts of the country, but all the dress shops I've gone will not let you take pictures of the dresses, so I don't have any of me in it! Maybe David's does though, I'm hoping to get back there this weekend with the MIL for her opinion and we'll take some then (if they'll let me!). Sarah - yeah, you are right, I wasn't thinking. I remember when I was trying on dresses, I asked my friend to take a pic w/her celll phone & all of the sudden 2 ladies came flying around the corner "no!" I was not happy with that!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by host sarah and janet are right...some people just aren't happy and have to bitch about everything...also you have to realize 1) it isn't the US so customs, foods, etc are going to be a little different...it is so funny when i read these review where people say things like "and the maid didn't even speak english"... ummm...it is mexico! Totally Tammy! My favorite is when you are in Mexico (or another foreign country) and you encounter these people, who I like to call "ugly Americans." When they can't communicate w/somebody due to language, they just speak louder! Duh! I always feel embarrassed by those people...I'm like, please don't associate me with them! If they want American service/staff/stuff, why do they go on vaca in another country
  6. I voted for dress #1. It would be good if you could get pics of you in the dresses though I am partial to #1 for a few reasons: a)I love the champagne color! I am a big fan of pick-up style skirts (my dress has them too). If I recall correctly you wanted to find something "more" than the dress you have now, so with that in mind I definitely think #1 is it! Go get some pics in it!
  7. Yes, I like the last one you posted Tammy. I think the one w/the black (onyx?) looks more like a fashion statement ring rather than a wedding band. I think this one is a nice combo of wedding band & unique details that sets it apart from other. Where did you find it?
  8. When I began my dress research process, I was very drawn to the destination gowns made by Dessy for Sandals. You can see them at dessy.com
  9. Way to go Stephanie! Very rare to be able to find all three things at one time. Lucky girl! You look lovely in that dress, and I can tell how happy it makes you. Yay!
  10. Report for Monday: No exercise - had to clean up a disasterous kitchen in the am! Food: Bkfst - Kashi Go Lean cereal w/soy milk & blueberries, coffe w/soymilk Lunch - Mexican food (no left overs to eat) carne asada burrito - didn't eat the tortilla, had a few bites of the rice & beans & a few chips - but not all of em! PM snack- apple & diet coke dinner- FI made pasta w/chicken & light alfredo sauce. I know it's easy, but I hate it if we have too much pasta, makes me feel bloated. Of course that's what I just ate for lunch too! Apertif (doen't that sound sexy?) - dirty vodka martini. Today's report: Excercise - 2 mile power walk, 10 push-ups, 30 squats & 15 lunges on each side. Bkfst: very measly bowl of cereal (end of the box) w/soy milk & 10 raw almonds. Coffee w/soy milk. Lunch: leftover pasta & chicken from last night. Dinner - Plans are to steam some tilapia (fish) and braise some awesome greens I got at the farmers market.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MSMAZE31 Hey!! Thanx...it was the best thing I learned during wedding planning just ask and most of the time they will give it to you. I ask for a discount on damn near everything now. Besides everything is marked up twice for weddings...so we deserve some breaks! Tammy that ring is cool! How are you guys posting pix like that I tried and couldn't figure it out. I just figured this out today too! What I did was use the toolbar in the reply box. There's a button with a yellow background & what looks like a mountain on it. Click it & it will ask you for the images address...so if I'm pulling something off the web, I right click that image, go to properties & copy and paste the URL.
  12. Now this is a unique one Tammy - think he'd like it?? (joking!)
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MSMAZE31 My husbands wedd band is a tungsten too. He loves it. http://www.trewtungsten.com/collection.html His is the 9mm with platinum. I found it online for $400 less than Robbins bro was selling it so I asked them to price match and they did! Well hello April! Long time no see. You are so awesome with that negotiation
  14. I was just browsing rings online over the weekend & found this one on overstock.com of all places!Men's Tungsten Carbide Beveled-edge Ring
  15. OK, well this is Monday & I don't think I've reported since Thursday. Friday was a good day food wise - can't remember everything, but I'm sure it was very similar to the other weekdays. Saturday went to the farmers market & got some wonderful fresh organic veggies & some fresh caught halibut. Pretty much just snacked lightly during the day (chips & salsa, fruit). Wonderful dinner - sauted leeks, steamed halibut, steamed rice w/mushrooms. And yes, I had a big glass of wine! Sunday - good excercise day, poor food intake I power walked 3 miles in the park & neighborhoods around our house, did lunges & squats. 2 eggs & toast for breakfast; lunch came late - we went to watch some live music down in Big Sur...started w/a bloody mary I had some calamar, some avocado & crab dip, and my entree was a bagel w/lox & all the fixings. I had like 2 more cocktails while we were there too. It was such a beautiful day & great scene, it just seemed right!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by MARIAELM GREAT monogram! Thanks MariaElena! I was feeling a little unsure about it - I kinda let it sit for a few months, but with the kudos from you gals I'm back to loving it. Thanks!
  17. You wear it under makeup or under powder.
  18. No prob! One of my girlfriends is a Mac makeup artist. I used to be pretty makeup illiterate too. She makes it fun to get made up - and with her tips/tricks it's a lot easier than I ever thought.
  19. Hope you get better soon Kash. Nothing worse than spending your weekend being sick
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by KARLA My teammates are so sweet. Everytime they go on vacation they bring back candy for all of us. The latest just got back from Seattle, Washington and brought us all back a big bag of truffles. 4 truffles later... ahh, make me stop!! Tonight I'm heading to do cardio and some weights, hopefully legs. The weather is super gloomy here and it just makes me want to go home. I'm hoping I stay motivated to go to the gym today, especially since I have not gone the last 2 days. Ugh, I totally know what you mean Karla. It's all grey overcast ugliness here. This winter weather crap makes me totally want to go home, put my jammies on & watch a movie. You can do it though, I know it!! Be strong, you're going to be sporting that gorgeous dress very soon
  21. Vegas is a great place to visit, but I can only handle a weekend - no more than that. I've stayed at: -Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - LOVE this place! Each time I've stayed I've been upgraded to a suite. The pool scene is incredible, although it fills up super fast. -Luxor - stayed there a few times many years ago. At the time I really enjoyed it. The staff was really good. My first time in Vegas I got wasted beyond belief (something about the oxygen infused environment - I didn't realize how drunk I was). Anyway, I got totally lost from my friends & couldn't figure out how to get to our room. A security guard escorted me to my room - at first he tried to kick me out cuz he thought I was a hooker!!! Wow! I woke up face down on the bed w/my card key in my hand. That coulda been a bad situation! Spa here was great too. -Aladdin- I hate this place. This is where my friends always stay because its super cheap. I just feel like it's dirty and gross. -The Palms - really love the Palms! It's a great party scene w/good looking people all the time. Only problem is if you don't have an inside hook up, you have to stand in rediculous lines to get into the Ghost Bar or Rain. I saw Britney Spears' surprise performance there a few years ago. -Ceasars Palace - I've never stayed there, but the shopping situation is to die for. They have cool little restaurants & shows to keep you entertained. -New York New York - I can't remember how I felt about the rooms there, but the gambling and the entertainment is fun. I love the roller coaster!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by host christa, it is ok to reward yourself with treats once in awhile...you were good all day long with healthy, little snacks! Thanks Tammy! I know you are right. Somehow reporting all of this to the forum raises my guilt level
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