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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Thursday report:


    No excercise - too wet outside.


    Breakfast: cereal & coffee

    AM snack: banana

    Lunch: Green salad w/left over tilapia fillet

    PM snack: apple & diet coke (needed the caffeine!)

    Dinner: We went out for sushi...had some sake with it.

    Pm snack 2: got the munchies for some reasone. FI had ice cream, I had a PB&J sando.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MARIAELM View Post
    After comparing at most company's official website, I found the best deals on Expedia. I found a Payless car for 10 days for about $105 with taxes. I'm going to jump on that! Because I'm a nerd, see the attached spreadsheet for my preliminary rental car research.
    MM - You are awesome with that research! Thanks!
  3. Wow Sarah, great review! I really appreciate the info on the various activities. I never knew about the canopy tour - that sounds exhilirating! I think I'm going to post some of this info up on our wedding site for our guests to consider. I know we'll be doing it! Thanks again, great review.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
    OK, I know this may sound dumb.. what is make-up primer?
    Have you ever painted a wall before? Think of it as a base coat you would put down before painting a wall. Or like when you get a pedicure, they put down a primer/base coat before the nail color. It just kinda smoothes everything out & allows your make up to go on easier & stay on longer. For those that have large pores (like me), it's great because it keeps my face from literally eating my makeup.
  5. OK, so here's my breakdown for Wednesday:


    Excercise - walked/jogged 2.5 miles in the am. Squats, lunges, various other calisthenics.


    Brkfst-Kashi cereal w/soy milk; 2 cup coffee w/soymilk

    AM snack-banana

    Lunch-green salad w/grilled chicken

    PM snack-apple & handful of trail mix

    OK, here's where it gets bad......

    Dinner - GIRLS NIGHT, so I get some sort of pass...3 Heineken Light beers (99 calories each). Nachos made w/ground turkey meat, black beans, salsa & cheese.


    My stomach is mad at me this morning sad.gif

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
    Wednesday info:

    Exercise: Tae Bo boot camp 40 minutes (Can still barely move from the 30 minutes on Monday!).

    Breakfast (1pm): Atkins protein bar
    Lunch (6pm): Romaine roll-ups: 3 large romaine lettuce leaves with 1 tbsp fat free cream cheese and a sprinkling of sunflower seeds on each- yummy!
    Snack (11pm): PBJ sandwich with lo-carb bread, reduced fat all-natural peanut butter and sugar free raspberry jelly
    Dinner (2am): Light n fit cherry yogurt

    Got off work 4 hours early! Woohoowoot.gif
    Hey, good job Sarah! That's a big improvement over the cheeseburger :)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
    Christa - you and I have a lot in common. Wish we lived closer!
    Awww, how sweet. Are you talking about the pilates, the wine or the martinis?? Hahaha! jiggy.gif Well, if ever you find yourself in or near the Monterey Bay area let me know.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ryjaxs19 View Post
    Thank you, very much appreciated. This is my first time ever joining any type of forum group so Im a true New bee to all of this.
    Glad to help Jackie! Believe me, most of us were in the same space just a short month ago. Totally understand. You'll get the hang of it quicker than you think - this site becomes super addictive!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KAMEYER70 View Post
    We are having an adventure honeymoon... I'm driving our SUV down to Cabo the week before the wedding with my Dad as co-pilot (since my FI can't join us until 4 days before the wedding). For our honeymoon, we are going to take 10+ days driving back up the Baja penninsula alternating camping on the beach with nights in luxury beach-front hotels. We love to scuba dive, so we're going to try to get in as many dives as possible in the Sea of Cortez. Definitely not a week at the Ritz, but will be an adventure to remember!
    Wow, I love this idea! My FI is a master diver & I would love to learn, but the Pacific is just too damn cold where we live. I love the idea of alternating Baja camping with luxury hotels....hmmm, I may have to plant this seed.jiggy.gif
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ryjaxs19 View Post
    I was trying to get the price and menu lists for the Baja Cantina and I get a page that tells me I dont have enough points. I'm not sure what points are but how so I obtain them. Maybe I should do some studying up on how to use this website, I sorta just jumped right into it and didnt really navigate through things to see what its all about.
    Hi Jackie,

    You accrue points by viewing threads (1 pt), starting threads (15 pts) & replying to threads (5 pts). I think you can also get points by winning high scores in the Arcade. I'll donate some points to you so you can view attachments.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
    Hi KarlaV

    I do pilates twice a week with a trainer guy. It's fabulous. You will build muscle (pretty muscle, though) quickly. Plus, I feel so much better. I work on the computer all day and since I started pilates, my back and neck don't get tight/painful. I highly recommend it.
    Ditto! I used to do pilates at home...need to get back to that. Anyway it completely solved all of my back/neck problems. Core strength is an awesome thing woot2.gif
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
    Christa - your monogram is great! Did you do it yourself? It looks very professional :)
    Thanks Kash! Yes, I did it myself. I got this huge burst of creativity early on and made a whole bunch of different looking designs. Actually, the ladies of this group helped me decide which one to use back on the old board. It was fun to do!
  13. OK, here's my report for Tuesday:


    Excercise: jogged about 1 mile when I had to turn around & go home because there was apparently a home invasion happening on my usual path YIKES!


    Breakfast: Bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal w/soy milk; 2 cups coffee w/soy milk

    AM Snack: Banana

    Lunch: Left over grilled pork chop w/peas & small amount of mashed potatoes

    PM Snack: Apple

    Dinner: Grilled tilapia fillet, peas, green salad

    NO WINE! But I did have a vodka martini :)

  14. Welcome Jackie! You are in good company on this board...I think that's why we all found this place, because to some degree we are all control freaks :) I researched the hell out of getting married in Cabo before finding this board - what a relief!

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
    Well I've hit a point where I realize I need to decide on my colors... but I'm having trouble picking!

    What colors are you/did you do for your ceremony & reception? How did you incorporate them? Please post pics if you have them!msnparty.gif
    Hey Kash,

    So I went thru the same thing - I was resistant to chose, but then realized I had to pick so I could plan the rest of the wedding! I'm using Aqua & white as my core colors with punches of orange, green, pink for accent. I'm really trying to allow the beauty of Cabo & the ocean be the focal point for my decor (read: minimal decor).

    Here's my monogram that I will be using on invites & other paper stuff, I use it to keep me focused when I'm deciding on other things involving color:
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
    I am sort of DIY-ing my invites (again)

    I'm going to do letterpress from Mercurio Letterpress, which allows me to design the card with whatever design I want. And then I am sewing the cardstock onto a piece of thai silk with a small pocket in back that will contain our response card, as well as other pertainent info. Should be interesting.
    Wow, that sounds really cool! Aren't you the one that did the DIY save the dates & said you would never do something like that again? :) I guess you recovered!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
    Christa - that is a great idea! It's nice to have soething special - not generic (see my examples above for definitions of "generic" embarrest.gif). I can't wait to see what she comes up with...

    If everyone loves them she can start her own card designing business!
    I know! I'm excited to have something more personal. She is an awesome artist. She lives down in Santa Barbara. Her current "thing" is making these really detailed & cool tables with tiny pieces of mosaic type tiles. And don't worry about "generic" invites. It's one of those things that only you are really going to give a rats ass about.
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