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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. I would completely understand their point of view! I think the email makes complete sense. I understand you may be unhappy at the prospect of some guest chosing to stay else where, but in reality it is THEIR vacation too.


    ** edit- I did not sense any rudeness what so ever! I think they are being genuine in checking in with you prior to any decision making.

  2. Well, in theory it should be no big deal. However, if you have investigative, curious, won't let shit go guests, then be prepared for the drama.


    We did the legal ceremony one week before we left for Cabo. Serioulsy, we all know it's way easier to do it in the states, and it's totally just paperwork. The DW is about the REAL wedding, celebrating with friends & fam & just having a kick ass time, right?


    Well goddamn if I didn't have a certain guest, who I have known my whole life, that got lit at the girls pedi-party & started asking questions. I don't know how she knew, but she just kept probing & probing in front of all the women. Only my mom & BFF knew. I was so pissed. I just smiled & didn't say a word. I wanted to strangle her because she made such a big f'ing deal about the person performing the ceremony (we had our own officiant) and how it was legal in Mexico, blah blah blah...


    Point: just be prepared :)

  3. OK, well I really wanted to say a few things about Tammy's room, but then Kelly posted her TTD pic & I got completely distracted. Is it wrong that Kelly's TTD's turn me on?? LOL!


    OK - Tammy, I really love your room! I really like how you did the brown walls & then the light blue in the adjoining bath - very cool. I really need to do something w/our master...you are inspiring me.


    I do like the sepia tone idea - maybe 3 across. I also like the idea of one very large framed print - totally has to be the right one...

  4. See what marriage does to people? It makes them completely lose their f-ing minds!! LOL!


    OK, at first I misread & thought you were going to do the whole damn thing! Whew, so after I recovered from that, what you are going to do doesn't look that bad. It will be a great adventure for you guys. And pretty romantic that you are starting & stopping where all the magic started wink.gif

  5. Welcome home lady! Good lord I am jealous of your luxuriously long escape. 12 days...must have been glorious. YOu totally deserve some serious relaxation, so I won't be too mad atcha!


    OK, seriously, when did Jackson turn from a baby into such a little man??!! I can't believe how big he is! Time totally flies I guess. Thanks for the pic share.


    And I'm sorry you are having such icky am sickness sad.gif That must suck...but at least being the nurse that you are, you can totally rationalize what's happening.

  6. That is extremely odd Jess. I can see how many of the above mentioned reasons could be valid...except for the whole coming back a 2nd time & then speeding off like a bat outta hell. She wasn't snapping pics of your license plate was she? I don't know, I would trust your gut on this & be extra observant. Is there any reason someone would be trying to get info on you guys? Someone mentioned the possibility of a pending lawsuit? I haven't seen you mention anything like that....


    Hmmmm....yeah, I'd be really cautious.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
    I recieved my package yesterday! Stephanie (Lucy106) was so cute and decorated the box with cute stickers and included a nice card. Adorable. Anyway she gave me this beautiful bowl. I already lost the little info card she included with it, but I believe it's handmade pottery. Very nice and the colors fint in great with my living room.

    She also included some rocks and a candle for accessories for decoration. I love it!

    Oh, and yeah, when I got the package I totally felt guilty because I haven't even started looking for my gift yet. Gotta get on that!

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.
    That bowl is gorgeous!!
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