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Everything posted by A10CalGal

  1. Whew, it took me two sittings to catch up on this thread! Lot's of action. So, to update you on my gig....I cannot believe it's been over a year since I started this journey! Short version, as I'm running low on time, is that I am WAY better. I have been treating w/a naturopathic doctor. She treats based on symptoms and blood test results. I am on a thyroid complex, adrenal complex and pro-tri-est(progesterone & the 3 estrogens) along with regular vitmin/mineral supplements. I feel really good. It's almost hard to remember exactly how bad it really was (fatigue, depression, weight gain for no damn reason, low sex drive). I need to come back and do a more thorough update, but I didn't want you to think I didn't see the thread Jaime.
  2. I def think it's a cute idea. My only question is: where would he keep it?
  3. Ugh, you guys I am totally not that in to this season! It all started because I missed the first half of the first episode. So many of these people royally annoy me, I just can't bring myself to watch. WHat has happened to me?
  4. Wow, the love is flowing freely here! I love that I am in the category of "old school BDWer" - what a trip! I wish I could buy some virtual BDW botox with all my damn points!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I did this as well (bust a pair of flip flops) and had to wear heels downtown (super hilly) and search for a pair of comfy flip flops. So yeah, definitely bring two pairs of comfy shoes! So, how did you break your flip flop Jess? I am proud to say I tripped on the excessively high curb at the Mega and fell flat - full body sprawled on the sidewalk in push up position. Ripped the toe thingy right out of the flop.
  6. OK, this is going to be hard!! My name is 7 letters & my collage making patience is very minimal. It will be interesting to see what every body comes up with fo sho!!
  7. I wish I would have brought more comfy shoes! Like Jessica, I didn't wear half of the stupid heels I brought. However, I did bust a pair of flip flops while there...which caused me to have to wear the heels when they weren't necessary! So definitely bring 2 pair of flips or whatever comfy shoe you like.
  8. Great thread!! Wow, it is hard. I think these days I totally have a BDW crush for LC_Rachel. I just really feel like she "gets me" you know? LOL!! (wow Rachel, you are the popular one aren't you?)
  9. Wow, way to go ladies! My mom is pretty hippie, so I was raised a greeny from the start. I feel pretty good about where we are now that we are in our own home (other than the fact that we built it new!). Every thing about our home is energy efficient: appliances, light bulbs, the type of roofing & insulation we choose, as well as the tankless water heater. My favorite - our compost heap! It's amazing to see how much vegetable waste comes out of your kitchen when you stop throwing it in the trash & start accumulating it in a pile. We throw our grass clippings in there as well. It's funny that every one is saying Seattle is really green...I don't really feel that way. Our neighbors are HORRIBLE at recycling. One of them doesn't even have a recycling container! All of the others have the smallest one you can get. Meanwhile, we have the largest recycling container & the smallest trash container on the block. My husband works for Coca Cola, and they just started getting green this year. But check this out: after 6 months, they are recycling 98% of all waste! Isn't that amazing? My hubby is one of the leads on this project, which I always giggle about because it was so hard to get him to buy into recycling in the begining of our relationship, now he's in charge of it for an entire facility LOL! A new thing I'm doing is I joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm. I am about to go pick up my weekly share right now.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie oh wow girl. how bad does that suck? hopefully the advice and phone numbers here can get you on the right track to recovering your hard earned $. i do have cousins who live about 25 minutes from beaverton, if you have a physical address i can send them to check things out for you, see what the deal is. let me know. Good idea Abbie. Or we could just drive down there & kick their butts! Jeez- this is insane. This is clearly a federal crime and I hope you have the energy to take this all the way after your wedding.
  11. Wow Galit, you were a stunning bride! Everything about your wedding looks amazing & like tons of fun. I love how every body gets a lift on the chair! Terrifying & fun at the same time I am sure. Just gorgeous - thank you for sharing.
  12. Beautiful Amy!! Not as drastic as I thought it might be. You are so gorgeous, you'd probably look good bald! And - holy cow, those are some big old fish!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Kathie I absolutely love your coffee table. Where did you get it? I've been looking for a small round wood table forever. Hey Kathie, sorry I am just now seeing this. We purchased the coffee table at a furniture auction...so that probably doesn't help you very much. But I am pretty sure it was an overstock item from a Macy's furniture store.
  14. Beautiful photos Abbie!! You look so fricking happy, and so does every body else. I love your jewelry selections...and how your bracelet coordinated w/your bouquet ribbons. What fun!
  15. Abbie! Welcome back you tease. How was Cabo? How was weather? What did you guys do? How was the wedding day? C'mon lady! We need details!!
  16. Great pictures! Those boys are hilarious with the flowers - serious hams.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems GOT IT!!! Thanks so much Christa!! My internet was down all afternoon so I got really impatient and part of my gift is already in the dishwasher, so I promise I will take a pic and post it tomorrow. But I got some scented candles that smell sooooooo good, some insense with the little stand thingy they go on, and some really cute white ceramic plates that I'm going to use in 2 weeks when DH enitre family comes over for dinner. They are perfect b/c they match all the white serving peices I got as wedding gifts. THANKS!!!! Yay!! I am so glad the serving plates work out for you. I saw many potential uses for those, even as candle holders! So sorry I was last minute on the shipping.
  18. To my secret gift recipient...UPS promises your gift will arrive today by "end of day" -so don't lose hope!!
  19. I love it! It is so totally pathetic, but I just can't help myself. I must watch this!! So, Daisy hooked up with Carmen's ex?? Nice.
  20. Cute gift Drea!! So, I have paid dearly for my "oh, I'll mail it tomorrow" thing I've been doing! Lets just say UPS got a hefty donation from Christa B today. To my gal - you will recieve your package by end of day Friday. Talk about pushing it...
  21. Oh wow Maura! Congrats girlie! You look elated in those pics. Gosh...you are pretty much an old married lady now. Welcome to the club
  22. Oh - def check out overstock for rugs. This one I have was $120, regular retail $300-ish.
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