Wow, way to go ladies! My mom is pretty hippie, so I was raised a greeny from the start. I feel pretty good about where we are now that we are in our own home (other than the fact that we built it new!).
Every thing about our home is energy efficient: appliances, light bulbs, the type of roofing & insulation we choose, as well as the tankless water heater.
My favorite - our compost heap! It's amazing to see how much vegetable waste comes out of your kitchen when you stop throwing it in the trash & start accumulating it in a pile. We throw our grass clippings in there as well.
It's funny that every one is saying Seattle is really green...I don't really feel that way. Our neighbors are HORRIBLE at recycling. One of them doesn't even have a recycling container! All of the others have the smallest one you can get. Meanwhile, we have the largest recycling container & the smallest trash container on the block.
My husband works for Coca Cola, and they just started getting green this year. But check this out: after 6 months, they are recycling 98% of all waste! Isn't that amazing? My hubby is one of the leads on this project, which I always giggle about because it was so hard to get him to buy into recycling in the begining of our relationship, now he's in charge of it for an entire facility LOL!
A new thing I'm doing is I joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm. I am about to go pick up my weekly share right now.