in case anyone needs it, here is my mini-bible on how i did mine
Quote: - Buy a rotary cutter! I got mine (Friskars - get one with a base!) at Michael's for around $25 with a 40% off coupon from the paper. I cut all of the passes out, and then did the corners later. You will need an X-acto blade to round the corners, should you choose to do so. I did, and mine weren't perfect but they turned out fine because no one got duplicates.
- I also perforated the area of the pass that would normally pull off. Not sure if I would recommend doing this - so much work!
- I printed the passes on the cheapie cardstock found at Michael's too. I printed it on my inkjet at home on photo quality.
-if you are into graphic art or know someone who is maybe they can help you to set up the template for the folder - I did ours in Adobe illustrator. I had my brother help me, and I can send you what he did, however it ended up being a huge pain because he did not accurately divide the page for the folder and therefore I had to manually cut each folder on one side so that we could fold and glue it later - that's in addition to the original cut that we had to do. You can get the template for the "flyer" from the Vistaprint website. From there, you divide the page into thirds, but remember to leave a little room for the tri-fold. It's hard to explain, but if there is too much room in the first fold, then you have to trim, too little and then you have some white space from the back of the folder. Again, hard to explain. I can try to come up with a diagram, or I may have some samples that I can send you if you want to see what I am talking about.
- Vistaprint did a great job with printing. The color turned out perfect and they were right on time. I had to do somewhat expedited shipment so I think I paid around $75 for 100 of them. I printed their 50# full bleed flyer.
I think total cost for everything - rotary cutter, paper, folders, glue, envelopes (I used Invitation Envelopes. Small orders our specialty. Free Shipping. - paid $23.00 for 250 light blue letter sized envelopes) stamps, and return address labels -- I spent around $200-$225 for 100 of them. They sucked to do, but people seem to really like them
Okay, that is the end of my mini-novel for now. Please let me know if I can do anything else to help you. I am definitely no expert but am happy to offer advice with this undertaking!