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Everything posted by NABUMBAH

  1. I stayed at this resort about 10 years ago with my family. It's beautiful but lots of kids! The chapel is really stunning.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by sydskyga Everyone has missed my main concern!!!!!! They have already said that they will not be attending!!! I know for a fact that we have some guest that have already told us they are coming, just waiting to get a better deal...that's totally cool with us...It's just the idea that all 4 of his sisters and 1 brother have already confirmed that they will NOT be attending! I am fine with it, just feel bad for my FI!!!! wow, sorry did not read the whole thread. You really can't do anything about who will or will not come. I mean, you can talk to them, urge them, whatever. But ultimately people are going to make a decision that works best for them. So rather than stressing out over it, just try to enjoy your time. You have several months. Maybe they will change their mind? Maybe if there is some sort of rift your Fi and his siblings can work it out. But I can guarantee that your getting all worked up is not going to help anyone in this situation so my advice is to just let things be and focus on the positive. You're getting married to a person that you love and in an awesome location that you're going to totally enjoy. Planning is super stressful, but the more that you can let it go, and just roll with the punches (and we've all been there...) the more that you will enjoy this time and everyone will enjoy you! good luck!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Tasha - how was the Mammoth trip?? It was soooooooooo crazy fun, Christa. We had a blast. Every last one of us. As soon as my friends email me pics, I will upload some.
  4. I know it's not what you want to hear, but you should consider giving them some slack. You have about 8 months left. My own FATHER just booked his flights about a month ago. I am still not sure if he has a hotel yet. I'm sure that they will make it.
  5. No, they're just staying there for whatever reason
  6. We got REALLY lucky. My friend works in promotional marketing so she ordered everything wholesale for our OOT bags for us. Here they are: we ordered them in green/black and I believe we paid around $2.50 for them. We're filling them with loads essentials - pepto, aleve, sunscreen, etc as well as koozies, water and snacks
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Thanks guys! Tasha - great to see you on here - we miss you! I know, I have just been sooo busy with the wedding and work, etc. So crazy. Just had my bach party last weekend and I am now working on all of the last minute details. yikes!!
  8. Hi Lauren, My Dad's whole side of the fam (25ish people) are staying there for my wedding. I'll give you their review after my wedding
  9. sorry Ann. I must have missed your post. They also sent me this code with my shipment - WELCOME358 expires 3/31
  10. We put clip art rather than listing out the exact entree.... lemme see if i can find a pic.... maybe you can do something similar?
  11. I am wearing an heirloom necklace that belonged to my great-great or great x 3 grandmother (not sure but it's well over 100 years old. cool, huh?) It's a simple silver chain with teardrop crystals that match my dress perfectly. And then I ordered these earrings from Carrie D Mader ? dedicated to your jewelry vision this week: so I am all set. I am afraid that a bracelet will catch on the silk on my gown. boo.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 That's a really pretty veil! I think I want a veil now. Thanks ladies! ...you're all right...when will we ever get to wear a veil again? thank you. Veils just make the whole thing feel more bridal and real to me. I am wearing a hair feather instead of flowers. Hopefully i can pull the look off!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull Tasha, that is so cute, we are having a Mexican Themed RD, I might have to copy you... go right ahead - bluefly.com $144 also there is a code for first time bluefly customers. Just do a search online and you will get an extra 10% off. there were a ton of cute dresses on there.
  14. We're staying at Marquis. I'll let you know more about it in about 8 weeks
  15. Our friend Dan is playing the ceremony. and we have a mariachi for afterward.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by JPMO That's adorable and it has a Mixican flare. It will look great with silver and turquoise accessories. thanks. I've been eyeing it for the past year and found it on bluefly yesterday (finally!) and figured I can't wait any longer at this point.
  17. I am wearing a veil. It's chapel length and has an organza edge. Here is a pic of what I used as inspiration: I had the wonderful Candi Merle of crowning glory designs make it for me. I think I paid around $65 for the veil with blusher. Her email is [email protected] if anyone is interested. She does a great job and is super reasonable.
  18. I finally ordered mine yesterday. I think I will wear this for the RD and something more casual for the WD...
  19. um, if you are just doing a site visit i would recommend just doing that. Then come home, process the info and make a decision. That way you can take some time to review everything, and read through all of your contracts without making any rash decisions.
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