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Everything posted by NABUMBAH

  1. Hi Ann, ours is from 6-9. We are doing a beach bonfire. We also plan to do our slideshow at the WD.
  2. they look great Ann. I used papelvivo for my invitations but wish I had been creative enought (and had the time) to DIY them. I love the design, but I am not totally in love with the clip art that you used. I guess it just looks too whimsical for my taste. Also, I have found that publisher is a way easier program to use to design stuff than word although if you managed to make word work for you then kudos. overall they're fab, and you're very talented!
  3. We sent our STDs 8 months ahead and sent our invitations about 3 months out with traditional rsvp cards. Even with the traditional rsvps, we only had about a 75% response rate. I can imagine that had we gone the website rsvp route our rsvp rate would have been much, much lower.
  4. I have HIVE coming to do all of our hair & makeup
  5. Good idea! I like the idea of putting them in boxes. We're doing a cupcake tower and a dessert bar. We ordered 75 cupcakes (3 flavors), 50 mini cheesecakes, 40 lemon bars, and 6 dozen mexican wedding cookies.
  6. ours is somewhat formal it is worded mr and mrs A and mr and mrs B invite you to share in their joy at the marriage of their daughter natasha sabrina a to etc
  7. blues, greens and white. used in flowers, arch, bm dresses, table linens, programs, invites... basically everywhere
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JANET1111 Tasha - 130?!?!?!? How is Armando dealing? How are you dealing? good question. It was actually 135 but we lost 4 the other day so it's 130. Armando seems to be taking it all in strides so far. I have no idea what's going to happen when we get there. He's probably thrilled that they're making so much cash. I am losing my mind. Would you guess anything other than that ? Ann - I am using Rosy From lovely weddings. She has done full coordination for me.
  9. Welcome! I am getting married the Saturday after Christa at the CS my wedding is going to be rather large - 130 guests so I will let you know how it goes!
  10. Hi Andrea, I had my WC contact them for me. She quoted a price better than JPKW's by a lot. We hired them for the reception but they've been kind enough to also let us use their sound system to plug our ipod into for dinner, and they're renting us an amp for our friend who is playing the ceremony. If you want details on the quote that I received, please PM me. Quote: Originally Posted by DREA14369 Hi.... I was wondering if you can help me? I'm interested in using the twins for my reception. Did you contact them through you WC or did you contact them yourself? I tried emailing them but haven't received an email back. Should I contact them through my WC (Maye)? How long are you using them? Thanks, Andrea
  11. I am doing one right now. I am SO not a morning person and yet I've been getting up at 5am every morning to work out from 5:30-6:30. It's totally dark when I leave the house. I absolutely love it so far. The workouts are great, though intense and I can already see some results. Amy - $80 for 5 classes is not bad. The bootcamp that I am attending is $15 per class. I am going three times a week. The head of our bootcamp says to expect to lose 4-5% body fat in the first month
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild OMG! I was ranting in another thread about not wanting tan lines and was going to get a strapless top but still resented the fact that my cleavage wouldn't match if I wore a low cut top later. WELL, I found this and some of them are not the most stylish, but some I like and I am super excited: Solar Tan Thru Swimsuits All-over Tan Thru Swimwear for Women and Men Anyone ever wore one? why not just hit the tanning salon for a few weeks before you go? that's what I'm currently doing
  13. they are a band. Cabo Max is the full band (I think 5 or 6 members) and the Twins are identical twins that play keyboard & guitar. They are playing my wedding. There are some demos on the Cabo Max site. I should have a review of them in about a month
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen I totally agree Ann, I too, have a strapless and want to avoid tan lines. I saw Victorias secret had this The swim suit color is growing on me. It's a purple isn't it? (reason I ask I think I may be a tad bit color blind) LOL I bought this suit last summer. It's black It's really cute on and fits pretty true to size. I like this site CeaSwim | Collection 2007 . I bought one of their suits at a fashion coop last spring. It was cheap and super cute! Well constructed, too. another great place to look is www.dianesbeachwear.com
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com you are probably still paying for travel though. Did he quote you a rate with travel? Usually, If someone is wanting to hire me I will put together a custom package that includes travel, but it's just a package with a travel fee added to it, based on what the client wants. I can be pretty flexible with my rates sometimes so sometimes it's not as expensive as you think it might be when adding in travel costs. The thing is, you REALLY need to check out different photographers, their rates and what's included in their packages, and figure out what you want. Keep in mind the amount of time the photog is offering, and also add in any extra costs there might be for adding in things you want like an album, digital negs, etc. Then ask them for travel cost and total cost package quotes before you make any decisions. Even though one photographer may have a more expensive package, it may be cheaper to hire them in the long run. I am actually pretty sure that we are not paying for travel. Our photographer gave us one of his most expensive packages (locally) for about $2k less than we would pay here and offered to pay his own travel. So I am sure that we got a smoking deal there. Especially since a couple of weeks later he booked another Cabo wedding, and the other couple paid all of the travel - we just happened to contact our photographer at the right time, I guess.
  16. nothing. Ours included his travel fee for him and an assistant in the price. Can you find someone who will include their travel? There are a few up-and-coming LA photogs that might be willing to do it for very little up-front. I can PM some of their contact info to you if you are interested.
  17. that sounds great and I have almost all of those ingredients on hand. I'll have to try it out after the wedding when I can eat like a normal person again.
  18. C's birthday is on the 27th - just three days after the wedding. I would like to give him a round of golf that day at one of the really nice courses. Money isn't really an issue. the issue is, I don't know which course to send him to. I know that the Palmilla has a really nice course, and then there's Cabo Del Sol. Which one would you choose? The other question is dinner that night. I'm considering the Palmilla's "C" and Agua as well as "El Restaurante" at the Esperanza or we can go to Las Ventanas and do their beach dining... or where? I am willing to spend some decent money here because he always goes all out for me so I would like to do something really special and unexpected for him. My number one concern is just making sure that whatever it is is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it knocks his socks off suggestions? comments? anything?
  19. I remember seeing that someone had included this in their welcome letters, but I ran a search and did not find anything. Can someone please link me to what kind of useful Spanish that they included in their website or welcome letter? stuff like donde esta el bano? uno mas cerveza por favor etc. gracias!
  20. my favorite shoes sites are: Shoes at Zappos.com - The Web's Most Popular Shoe Store! Our shoe store features dress shoes, casual shoes, and athletic shoes for men and women! VictoriasSecret.com: The Official Site of Victoria's Secret (sometimes) Flip Flop Trunkshow.Com: sandals - shoes - footwear - women's sandals - women's shoes - havaianas flip flops I will search for some for you, but there's a start
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Thank you Tasha I will def check it out. no problem! finding the right invitation was almost the end of me... so I can totally relate.
  22. you should check out my invitation vendor. Papel Vivo - Hand made Paper and Wedding Invitations: Index or AprilStudio : contemporary custom invitations : I am sure that Melina could do something that could work for you. Mine were a custom design, and I think I paid around $7.50 per invite. -- NOT letterpressed. If they were letterpressed they would have been closer to $10 each. Sounds cheap compared to $60 doesn't it?
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