I finally uploaded a couple of pics that my friend took. here are our bags & their contents.
I bought the bags wholesale from a friend - they were around $2.25 each. they were nice and big and I saw people carrying them around all weekend. We also ordered our koozies from her.. pics of them to follow.
The mini meds were also purchased whsle and included - aleve, asprin, pepto, immodium, dramamine, this "sexual stimulant" stuff (for fun!) and some energy shooters - also for fun. We also bought some sunscreeen wholesale. If anyone needs any I think we had about 20 extra tubes leftover. I'll be looking to sell them once I get my act together.
Food-wise we bought almost everything from Costco. We included letters and some maps that we picked up from a kiosk our first day in town. I think that the cost per bag was around $10? maybe more... we kind of lost track.
Ya'll know how that goes