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Everything posted by Jessalyn

  1. Jessica ~ Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL, just like you were on your wedding day!!! You must be really pleased with them. Everything looked gorgeous!
  2. I was married on Maui and got the license on the way to our beach ceremony...so it is issued immediately...don't worry!
  3. Congratulations on getting hitched! Vegas was perfect for your pre-wedding marriage. I bet dressing up 70s style was so much fun. You're right, Cabo will be nothing like Vegas! We did a legal ceremony too before our Cabo wedding.
  4. I knew I must have missed this thread! I kept thinking "where are Paula's pictures?" Your wedding was beautiful! You were beautiful and you have so many amazing pictures! It looks like everything was perfect!!!
  5. Jenn ~ I love the green walls in the kitchen too...I agree with Rebecca that they contrast nicely with the white cabinets. Shelley ~ Your house does look like a spa...very elegant, but warm. Melissa ~ I want your hardwood floors!! Rebecca ~ thanks for the compliments and offer to help paint...I'm clueless too about choosing a color and really the last thing I want to do is paint my house. Maybe I'll start with our little bathroom and then see if I want to take on more....I doubt it! I'll save for a painter and paiint consultant!
  6. what fun pictures!! I love the color and cut of your dress....very pretty! Congratulations!!
  7. Jessalyn


    Quote: Originally Posted by Fraggle Thanks! Thats what my fiance calls me, since the first night we meet! That's very cute!!
  8. Jessalyn


    Welcome Leslie! Love your screen name...Fraggle Rock...used to love that show!
  9. Jessalyn


    Welcome! You'll find tons of ideas and inspiration here!
  10. Jessalyn


    Welcome Tracy! I'm not sure if we have any Aruba brides... I did a search and found this thread... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t9154 ,..looks like you have location sisters! good luck with your planning!!
  11. Welcome!! You should be able to find lots of great info here to secure the location of your dreams! Good luck and happy planning!!
  12. Welcome Golriz! I'll try to help you the best I can...I was married at the Sheraton in Cabo last June...I believe that they still had space available for weddings as my date got closer, because they were trying to sell me on another location...also, some people think that Cabo is too hot in June, so that might work in your favor too (I thought the weather was perfect!) The Sheraton wasn't AI, but from what I've heard, at an AI like Dreams, you'd pay a set-up fee I think (you better research it though) of $20 per person assuming they are staying at the resort....you have to buy a day pass for any guests who come to your wedding and are not staying at the hotel...i think i heard that a day pass costs $80-$90....sorry I don't know for sure. I definitely think you have a chance to secure a June date in Cabo. start sending emails and asking questions of the resorts...I'm sure you'll find something! good luck!!!
  13. Welcome Becky! I need to google Sanibel Island...sounds beautiful!
  14. Jessalyn


    Welcome Claire! As you've seen, there is a ton of helpful information here! Good luck with your planning!
  15. Welcome Sheila! Hope your planning is coming along well...your big day is almost here!
  16. Welcome La' Toi...and congratulations on your engagement! You'll find a ton of great information here. Let us know if we can help with anything!
  17. Welcome! You can't go wrong with either location. PV looks so tropical and beautiful, but Cabo is beautiful too....see I'm no help! Good luck with your decision..I don't thnink you can make a wrong one!
  18. thanks ladies for your kind words...It feels like there is always something else to do around the house...it never ends.
  19. here's the link to the other thread... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1637
  20. Welcome!! I was a Cabo bride, so I'm sorry I can't answer any of your questions about DR....I haven't even been there. Here's a link to the DR forum. Dominican Republic ...you may have already found it, but I hope it helps you in search to find the perfect location! Good luck!!
  21. Welcome Heidi! I'm so glad that you aren't going to let someone else dictate where you want to get married! It's your wedding after all! Good luck with your planning!!
  22. I've heard mixed reviews on having a wedding on a holiday weekend. But the weekends, I've heard about are all long weekends...when people may have other plans for the extended weekend. My DH and I did attend a wedding on Valentine's day weekend back in 04, I think and it was really lovely. The couple didn't have any problems with guests not coming. I'm not sure about the prices going up 2/14, that is probably the case in the US (I would imagine). maybe you could give the resort a couple of days you would like and ask them for pricing for each...that way you'd know for sure if you would pay more to get married on V-day. Also, you might want to see if the date is avaiable, before you get too excited. V-day is a big day for weddings. Good luck to you!!
  23. Welcome!!! Good luck with your planning. Let us know if we can help you with anything!
  24. Here are some pics of my home....we still need to paint and want to do crown modeling...I'm open to suggestions on paint colors...hint, hint.... kitchen and dining area opens into the family room (I love my kitchen): Living room....really need something on wall behind the couch...but, will come in good time.: I love antiques, but had to give up most of them when we moved in together, but we kept a few pieces. Our house was brand new when we bought it, and we had no choices on counters, or cabinets so the feel of the house doesn't really lend itself to antiques...which, bums me out. Also, DH and I have slightly different tastes in decorating......for example, beside the antiques I had a red velvet couch before we moved in together...I loved that couch!
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