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Everything posted by Jessalyn

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine The site Jessalyn posted has wine glasses also,the cheapest I have seen. So great thanks. You're welcome! I noticed the wine glasses too, I just didn't think to point them out to you. ...sorry, but glad you found them!
  2. That is pretty ridiculous! I hate when people can't take their cell phones away from their ear. Even worse, is that she set up an appointment to waste your time. You would think that as a bride trying to choose her photographer she would want to see a ton of your work, but she wasn't even interested....very strange! But I agree with the comment about still trying to be nice to her. That is the bummer thing about sales, you have to be careful not to burn potential bridges, eventhough you really want to tell her off and burn that potential bridge to the ground. What goes around comes around....she'll get her's in the end!
  3. Julie ~ Which company was not reputable? Netbride? I was just a little confused by your post.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Natalie M Hey Jessalyn can you order less than 200? No, I think it is a 200 minimum for the ones I posted previously. But if you buy the neoprene ones, you can buy a min. of 50, but they are more expensive....if you buy 100 of the neoprene ones they end up costing about the same as 200 of the cheap ones. Here's the link: Neoprene Wetsuit Rubber Collapsible Coolie - Wedding Favors, Wedding Favor Koozies, Unique Wedding Shot Glasses! ....I think I'm going to order 100 of the neoprene ones. I've heard that the neoprene ones are better than the other foam rubber ones.
  5. My instinct is to say five o'clock in the evening, but I could be wrong. Sorry, I'm not much help.
  6. IMO, they look great. I love the pink and green together and the shells in the vase. How tall are they? Will people be able to see over them okay?
  7. Sarah ~ I really want to see it too, but I understand if you don't feel comfortable sharing. I loved your teaser photo and the slide show Leigh put together!
  8. Fotini, Your invites came out great! I would agree with Sarah about doing additional cards for the reception, activities, etc. I would also agree with you on taking out the 5 day and 4 night part. I can't wait to see the pics from your wedding in Greece!!
  9. I just found this site for shot glasses. I think I'm going to order my koozies from them. The koozie prices were good. Not sure if the shot glass prices are low in comparison to other places....I haven't been shopping for shot glasses. Anyway, here's the site: 1.5oz Clear Shot Glass - Wedding Favors, Wedding Favor Koozies, Unique Wedding Shot Glasses! Try this link for more shot glass options from the same site.. Wedding Favors, Wedding Favor Koozies, Unique Wedding Shot Glasses!
  10. Welcome Annie! I'm a Cabo bride, so won't be much help you regarding location questions, but you've come to the right place for answers and advice. Happy planning!
  11. Wow Melissa!! Great brochure!! It looks like a professional publication. I'm impressed!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine really, weird, my mom just bought her house and moved in a few weeks ago. You could come over for the slumber party!! Sounds like a good time! She moved into a nice neighborhood. Congrats to your mom on her new home!!
  13. Geez Sarah, you're amazing. Those look great! The programs do not look like a DIY project....I'm so impressed!!
  14. Christine~ Those are so cute!! BTW, my best friend lives on Cypress Canyon Road....small world!
  15. I bought my dress from RK Bridal find a lower price and we will beat it by 5%. They will beat any internet price quote by 5%.....saved me a lot of money (I found a lower quote somewhere else and they honored their promise it beat it by 5%). My dress arrived a month early, and they were great to work with. You might want to see if RK Bridal carries your designer and then order through them. Good Luck!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaV I don't have a laser printer so I had Kinkos print them. It was actually pretty productive because they lined up the margins for me (which I heard can take a long time). The small designs are the IM FELL FLOWERS 1 font. KarlaV Wow! I didn't realize that you did the whole design yourself!!! AMAZING!! Those are so nice! I wouldn't have even known where to start to make that neat flower design. Way to go!! They look like you had them made...I never would have thought that you made them yourself!!
  17. Those look great! I love the clean lines on your invites and the menus. It's also great that you carried the brads through onto the menus from the invites. You are on the ball girl! Great job!
  18. You're going to love the wine tasting trip! What a great activity to do with your guests! We did this about 6 months ago with a large group and had a great time. I think my favorite vineyard we went to was Duckhorn, but it might have been my favorite because we had a very nice wine tasting paired with a catered lunch there outside on the vineyard...It was awesome! I can't wait to hear how much fun all of your guests have!
  19. Karla ~ Your invites look great! I love the aqua and red together and the fun text really adds a lot! I love them!! Great job! ...congrats on finishing them!!
  20. Here is a listing from the same seller, but it is only for one bottle and costs $6.95...eBay: Aloe Up SPF30 Serious Sunscreen Waterproof Aloe Based (item 250043940764 end time Mar-27-07 16:34:54 PDT) I guess I just found mine on a lucky day. You might want to watch ebay. Just watch the expiration date, sometimes the product is old. My expiration date on mine isn't until 5/08. Also, if you have a 99 cent store near you, you could try there, but I didn't like their sunscreen as much. Good luck!
  21. I bought sunscreeen off of ebay. There was a vendor selling full size sunscreen in a lot of 30 bottles for $29. Let me see if I can find the ebay seller for you.
  22. Sarah ~ your invites look great! I love the brads inside...they give your invite a clean, finished look. I'm undecided about whether or not I like the brads on the outside ribbon (it doesn't look bad, just not sure if something else would look better), but you said a bow didn't look good. If you have a seal or something, that might look nice. ...sorry, I'm not much help. I'm jealous that you only have to make 12!!! They really look great!! Good job!! I love the paper choice! I used papers and more also. I really liked their product. It doesn't look like you had an issue with your printer printing on the vellum...lucky you!!
  23. How great!! I love the reaction! And, I have to agree Lenita got a hottie in Andre!! Can't wait to see the wedding photos!! Thanks for the tease, Jill....great job!!
  24. Jen ~ How neat is that? I love it!! Thanks for sharing! Sarah~ I can't wait to see how yours comes out with the kids names included too.
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