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Everything posted by Jessalyn

  1. Tammy ~ She is soooo stinkin' cute!! makes me want to adopt her...I see why you are so sad. I hope the new little boy you pick up tonight is just as sweet as Elsie!
  2. YAY Heidi!! Have a fabulous wedding!! Can't wait to see all the pictures and hear all about it!!
  3. Tammy ~ Your credit score has absolutely nothing to do with how much money you make. The credit bureaus don't have your income information. Also, along the lines of what Maria said, do make sure you use your credit (not necessarily every card...I only use one credit card and have really great FICOs)...I had a guy who applied for a loan and he had 2 credit cards and an old car loan...he hadn't used either of the credit cards in over 6 months, so the bureaus couldn't generate a credit score for him because they didn't have enough recent payment history.....he showed me an old credit report with his score (ran a few months prior) and he had FICOs over 700.
  4. Do you have recent accounts that you've just opened that you don't use? If you really want to close some cards, close the ones that you've opened most recently, but be aware of the available credit (on all cards) you will have after you close them. I would definitely not close cards that you've had for more than 5 years...I haven't read that anywhere, it's just my opinion. If you opened some cards for the intro 0% financing for a year and have paid them off recently, it probably wouldn't hurt you to close them...again, just keep your total avail credit in mind.
  5. Yes..keep them all open, especially if you have a long credit history with them...had them for a long time. ... from Myfico... Amounts Owed Tips Keep balances low on credit cards and other “revolving credit”. High outstanding debt can affect a credit score. Pay off debt rather than moving it around. The most effective way to improve your credit score in this area is by paying down your revolving credit. In fact, owing the same amount but having fewer open accounts may lower your score. Don't close unused credit cards as a short-term strategy to raise your score. Don't open a number of new credit cards that you don't need, just to increase your available credit. This approach could backfire and actually lower your credit score.
  6. You don't want to close accounts that have been open for a long time...and it is better to have lots of available credit than a little....what is looked at is the ratio of how much you owe to how much you have available...so if you have 50K available in credit and you use 10K of that, you are only using 20% of your available credit...on the other hand, if you close some of your credit cards and then only have $15K available and you charge 10K, now you're using 67% of your available credit, which looks worse to the credit companies... also, the longer the accounts have been open the better they reflect on your credit score, so you don't want to close accounts that you've had for a long time... check out this link.. How Your FICO® Credit Score is Calculated - myFICO.com myfico.com has some great info and advice.
  7. hmm...I totally missed this thread Thanks for linking to it Christine....I wouldn't have posted my thread, if I'd seen this one. Anyway, thank you again to Tammy and everyone on here who helped to make my wedding so special.
  8. I would also suggest, from my experience, bringing your receipts with you just in case...I was actually asked for them by the custom's officials...I know a lot of brides didn't run into this, but I did. They didn't examine them too closely when they saw that most of my receipts were for small amounts (I had a lot of small receipts and I don't think they really wanted to add them up) I also had family members "share the load"...in addition to our luggage (clothing) we had 3 big plastic storage bins taped up and 2 large duffels (as large as permitted). It worked out perfectly this way and didn't cost us any additional shipping fees.
  9. From my research, they (Mexico) are concerned about "dumping" of chinese products in Mexico. I took (with me...not shipped) a lot of made in china items with me and didn't have a problem through customs, but I did take off all the tags just to be sure. They might be more stringent when shipping items down, because they won't know if you planning to dump them, but really why would someone ship a bunch of stuff to Mexico to dump it? crazy custom rules.
  10. LOL!! Tell him many times will make you happy!! he he!!
  11. Wow Jessica! His work is truly beautiful!!! I can't wait to see your legal wedding pictures!! ..You're so lucky to have two weddings!!
  12. My freeze dried rose petals were taken away during a customs search upon arrival in Mexico...I don't know what the rules are about taking "Plants" aka freeze dried rose petals to Jamaica are though... I was bummed when they took mine away
  13. Here are mine: Score Love Language 4 Words of Affirmation 9 Quality Time 0 Receiving of Gifts 10 Acts of Service 7 Physical Touch
  14. aww.. Thanks! I loved my shoes..they were PERFECT!
  15. Jessalyn


    Welcome!! Let us know if we can help you with anything! You've found a great source in this site!
  16. Yes, I agree. I kinda wish I would've done a trial first....I think I would've done my hair differently...I didn't love my bangs parted in the middle. But, Suzanne was great and my make-up turned out really well...if you watch my slideshow in my siggy, I think there are some pics of her doing my hair and make-up...Suzanne is the lady with the bob cut hair.
  17. aww...this is fun....I love everyone's siggies..I'm learning so much about everyone.
  18. Don't worry about it...I didn't know anything when I first found this site....it was my first time on any type of forum. The search button is on the menu at the top of your screen. Let me know if you need any help navigating. And,....Welcome!
  19. I used Suzanne Morel...Suzanne Morel Face and Body Care I've heard a lot of positive things about the ones Maura listed too....If you use the search feature, you should find a lot of reviews about each. Good luck!
  20. We used Arturo Sotomayor... he was fantastic and did a lot of Flamenco style guitar, which I love. I will PM you his contact info..
  21. Jessalyn


    Welcome!! I was a Cabo bride, so I'm not much help with info on Cancun...but, you should be able to find lots of great info here...this site is a great resource.
  22. ha ha! I just assumed you'd get a 2nd one....I had two separate dresses, but I had my legal ceremony first. I do love your dress though, so wearing it twice should be nice...you lucky girl, you actually get to wear it more than once....makes you feel like you got your money's worth, huh?
  23. You must post those pics when you get them....I'll be waiting to see them. ...I'm jealous that you get two weddings with make-up, hair and photos....I know I've said that before. I'm excited for you!! Have you picked your 2nd dress?
  24. Welcome! I'm also from San Diego and got married in Cabo (@ the Sheraton). You should find a ton of info here...let me know if I can be of any help in your planning.
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