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Everything posted by Jessalyn

  1. Welcome! Let us know if we can help you with anything!
  2. I haven't thought about this. My best friend is hosting mine, and she was going to be in my wedding, but her baby is due a couple weeks later so she couldn't make the trip. I'm planning to give her an honorary thank you/BM gift as a thank you. I think I'll give her a nice piece of jewelry from Tiffany's or something. But the gift card idea, flowers or bottle of wine sound like a good thank you gift as well.
  3. Those are great shoes for a Wild Animal Park wedding! A little extra something. Love it!
  4. Haha Sarah! You're making me laugh! I vote for #2 because they are super cute and they are comfortable (and I'm wearing them too). I like the bling on #3 but from experience they are not very comfortable and they might be too high for your dress. I don't think you'll hear the clank of the shells too much when you walk down the aisle for a few reasons a) your dress will muffle the sound you're not going to be walking in silence...they'll be some sort of music as you walk, right? c) nobody is going to be listening to your shoes, they'll hear the ocean over your shoes. #1 is classic and pretty and would be nice too, but they don't quite have the beachy feel that #2 has. I'm assuming the ebay shoes came okay and were in good shape? can't wait to hear what you decide! By the way, did I mention you have great taste in shoes?
  5. That's ridiculous, but the cards are super cute!
  6. I like the 2nd verse....so cute! I hadn't even considered a petal toss. So many details involved in a wedding...I'm feeling overwhelmed.
  7. Very pretty Sarah. I like the crystals. I haven't even begun to focus on a cake topper yet....let alone the cake!
  8. WOOOHOOO!! Have fun! Can't wait to hear about everything and see all your pictures!! Congrats!!
  9. I'm glad everyone had fun. The candles were beautiful lit up with flower petals. Very lovely.
  10. Anny~ The boxes look so cute all lined up and the cage is adorable. It sounds like you made the best of the situation with the candles. Did everyone have fun?
  11. I'm getting married in the states before, and the minister that I'm using in Cabo is Rev. Scott Parsons. Cabo San Lucas Wedding Minister - Rev. Scott A. Parsons, D.D. There were a couple of great reviews on here about him and one bad review on here somewhere, where he forgot or got sick for someone's wedding. I haven't had any problems or concerns with him. I met him last august during our trip to cabo and my Fi and i both liked him.
  12. Great list Kate. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Really pretty. I like the contrast between the alstromeria and the roses. Great job!
  14. Welcome Salome! You'll find lots of great info here! Let us know if we can help you with anything.
  15. Welcome Kelly! Let us know if we can help!
  16. Welcome to the forum! It sounds like you've gotten some great advice already from the other gals. I'd give him ring hints too....my hints weren't so subtle....I emailed him exactly what I liked, but gave him a few options...I told him the stone size was completely up to him....worked out great. I love my ring! Good luck with your planning.
  17. Welcome Laura! Let us know how we can help! You'll find lots of great advice here!
  18. I agree. I think I would get them each something unique to them that you know they would love. It shows that you are really considering their tastes and that you view them as individuals rather than just as one of the girls (BMs).
  19. I vote for number 1, but I wouldn't tie myself down to it. Instead, I would bring both, try them on and see which one makes you feel the best. Both are beautiful!
  20. good finds! I guess I didn't know what to search for....I was looking for picture holders instead of place card holders. There are some cute ones out there. Thanks.
  21. I vote for #1, but I think I'm partial because my ER and WB look very similar, but with princess cut stones on the top. but, I've also worried about the side stones and if you wear the band with your ER,. you won't even see the side stones too much. my second choice is #3....I love the millgraining!
  22. try here....Save on the Ann Marino Avation Rhinestone Evening Sandal at SmartBargains.com They have your size!!
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