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Everything posted by Jessalyn

  1. Yay! So happy to hear that the three of you made home safely! It must feel great to be home even if everything isn't as organized as you'd like it to be....you'll get there!
  2. Wow! Sounds and looks like your shower was amazing!! Loved the center pieces and the cholocate boxes.... amazing. The books that your mothers' made...what priceless gifts. So glad it is was great!! Looking forward to seeing Danielle's pictures!
  3. Everything looked amazing! You were a beautiful bride!! Congratulations!! I'm so glad everything was perfect! The shell collar is perfect...wish I would've thought of that.
  4. Wow Glenda! I think you had the perfect bachelorette party! I'm so glad your sister and friend arranged all that for you.....you're such a sweetheart and deserve all the attention and love they showered on you! Makes me wish that I had a bachelorette party....haha...I didn't want the penis hat or straw things either...Yours was perfect, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
  5. Yay! Congratulations...you're 24/7 parents! I hope your train ride home is as easy and uneventful as possible! yay, you'll be home before you know it! Travel safely!
  6. Wow...Gwen is growing so fast! She looks bigger already! Great news on the car seat test....I know you can't wait to get home...it won't be long now!
  7. whooohooo! Congratulations Martha! That's so exciting!!! ...another boy for BDW!
  8. those are great Tammy! I'm impressed! I love the butterfly....and, your dress is super cute! I took some pics at a friends wedding and as a gift I put them on a cd and then made a cover for the jewel case with a pic of them and their wedding date..on the inside cover I printed their vows over a brightened/contrasted wedding pic.. on the back i put a fun reception picture.....they loved it. I'm sure Becky would love to have all your great shots...you should consider doing something similar for her.
  9. Congratulations Morgan! You look so incredibly happy! ....now for your real wedding in just a few days!! It's fun to have two!!
  10. Welcome back! It sounds and looks like you had a great time....so glad you could relax and enjoy yourselves. I can't believe how fast Jackson is growing!
  11. Congratulations!! You were a beautiful bride! Everything looked perfect!
  12. What a predicament. It really sounds that your best option is an RV or by car, eventhough it will take a long time. I'd be concerned about flying given the altitude. Hopefully your company will help out one way or another.
  13. Courtney~ I haven't been on the board much lately and missed your thread...You looked absolutely stunning!!! so beautiful!! All your hard worked paid off! I'm dying to see more of Leigh's photos....the teaser is amazing... CONGRATULATIONS to you and Aaron!!
  14. I'm so late in posting...I closely followed all of Sarah's updates during your surprise labor and was relieved to hear that everything went as well as could be expected given the circumstances. You'll have a great story to share with her as she grows up. Gwendolyn is absolutely adorable! Such a tiny, perfect little angel! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! I'll keep the three of you in my prayers....I can only imagine how anxious you are to get home. So glad to hear that she is doing well.
  15. wow! I really haven't logged on in a while....you have a date set! I have to go find your thread about that! I'm so happy for you! Your dress is sooooo gorgeous! I love it!! I agree no bustle and the other alterations...I have no idea...it depends on how you feel. ...sorry not much help!
  16. hmmm...that's a good question...for our legal ceremony we used my engagement ring and one of his other rings that he had. sorry, i'm no help, but that is what we did.
  17. Melissa ~ I'm so sorry your cousin, you and your family are going through this. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. Those are great pics, Tammy. I know you're going to miss Elsie so much....I think she's going to miss you guys too just as much and of course her buddy Chulo. A pet photography business would be perfect for you.
  19. haha! Yeah, I had a similar thing happen a while ago on google....our last name was in the link for our slideshow and when DH's ex wife googled his name looking for an article on him, she found our "secret Hawaii wedding" pics...oops!
  20. oooo..I can't wait to see your photos either and read your review......I remember how fast our time in Cabo went......Welcome home! And, Congratulations!!!
  21. Mo...I'm also so sad for your and your husband's loss...and, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I can only imagine how horrible you're feeling...we all know these things happen all the time, but we just never expect them to happen to us and I'm sorry that it happened to you. I can try to be positive and tell you that these things happen for a reason, but I know that won't make you feel any better. I do promise to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
  22. I don't have my pictures with me at work, but I'll try to post a few for you this weekend. They are in my slideshow in my siggy, but you'd have to watch the whole slideshow to see them.
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