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Everything posted by DreaW

  1. Hi I was wondering if anyone knows of any ministers that can do religious ceremony on the beach. Should I ask Maye about this? (I will) I've decided to do the legal ceremony in Cabo but before hand (in chambers or have judge come to my hotel) and have the religious ceremony (the same day) with a minister on the beach in front of friends and family. I'm not sure if I read correctly but in some threads it seems that Maye does ceremony or she has her husband do it. My mom wants an actual minister, but I don't want someone who doesn't show up, I believe this happened to someone on here. Thank you for your help, Andrea
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH they are a band. Cabo Max is the full band (I think 5 or 6 members) and the Twins are identical twins that play keyboard & guitar. They are playing my wedding. There are some demos on the Cabo Max site. I should have a review of them in about a month Hi.... I was wondering if you can help me? I'm interested in using the twins for my reception. Did you contact them through you WC or did you contact them yourself? I tried emailing them but haven't received an email back. Should I contact them through my WC (Maye)? How long are you using them? Thanks, Andrea
  3. I totally understand..... Thanks Andrea
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL OK, here are some pics of my actual chair ties in Aqua 136: without flash with flash So once you use them for your wedding please remember me...because I would love to buy them from you for my wedding..... Thanks. Andrea
  5. See I kind of agree with Tammy M. That's how I feel about it. Have another question though....I want it legally done in Cabo which I know we would need a judge for that but can we also have a minister do it on the beach for the ceremony? What I mean is go to the Judge early that day and then in the evening have a minsiter do it....or can we have both a minister and a judge at the same time?
  6. Hi Ladies: Have a question..... I'm constantly debating with myself where to get legally married. I keep arguing back and forth with myself trying to figure out if I want to get legally married in Cabo or not. I know there are a bunch of you who decided to get legally married in the states, which I think is a good idea but at the same time I argue the fact that (with myself) that I want to have my wedding date the same time as my wedding ceremony....not have to seperate dates...... I know this might sound really silly but it is a conflict I'm having. FI doesn't care what we do....actually he doesn't care about much about the planning, he told me not to talk about marriage stuff until July till we go to Cabo to save the date and such....I think he is very tired of me talking non-stop about the wedding So should I have my wedding legally done in Cabo so I can have just one day or should I do it here in CA.
  7. I would love to buy them from you if you decided to sell them after your wedding. I love that color. Andrea
  8. My FI and I want to give our bridal party their plane tickets to Cabo for our presents....is that a good idea? It was that or their hotel... Andrea
  9. hi you can look for Natasha's pictures under wedding/engaged photos or you can hit the search button and then type in Natasha's pictures...and they should pop up in a thread.... hope that helps Andrea
  10. Welcome Gina. I'm from Orange County too. I'm also having a DW but in Cabo San Lucas. I'm heading down there this July to reserve date and site...I'm so excited. This forum has been very helpful...if you need any help just ask Andrea
  11. You guys are so lucky my FI doesn't want to wear a ring he rather tattoo it on.....We are getting him a ring though so if he does eventually want to wear it...and for pics....but when we get back he rather have a tattoo. He doesn't like wearing anything on his hands...he's tried but he just says it bothers him..... Andrea
  12. Welcome....I swear there are so many Andrea's on this site We're taking over.....This site is very helpful and the ladies on here are very helpful also...I don't think I could do it without them. So ask away. Andrea
  13. I planning to have a friend copy something like this....This is my favorite. I'm also going to make my own STD magnets from home with photo.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by host if you have a larger group, then blocking rooms is the way to go unless your guests are really diligent about booking early. Jessalyn is absolutely right when she says that rates can go up. this is an extreme case, but i have a room block for about $320 a night for a may wedding but by October the room rates had gone up to $800-1100 per night...OUCH! if you have a smaller group of just family, you can try to reserve rooms now at the lower rate and be done with it...i am doing this with ann's guests and they have been really great about booking early. Tammy, Can I get your number so I can discuss with you about room blocks and the hotel..... you can email me at my personal email: [email protected] and send me your number if you like. Thanks, Andrea
  15. Well it turns out that I've decided not to make the room block...to expensive and that we will have the wedding on a Sunday.
  16. Hi everyone.... I was wondering can you book rooms for your wedding location through a travel agency? or do you have to do it through the hotel to get the location fee off? I'm planning to get married at Casa del Mar and Claudia sent me an email telling me that we would not be able to get married at the location on a Sat. if we don't do a room block. She sent me the room block price for a min. of two days and it seems expencive..... I gotta run but i'll continue this thread when I can get on a computer....sorry ... Andrea
  17. hi I know this thread is up already but I can not for the life of me find the website to the salsa dancers that Natasha had....Sounds fun and I have a lot of hispanics on my side of the family but FI side are all white (sorry for the white comment) and don't know how to dance....I'm planning to put a lot of hispanic music at reception and want everyone to join. Natasha or anyone else reading this do you know the contact info and how much it was again... Again sorry if this is a repeat from another thread. Andrea
  18. Natasha... sorry I know I have a lot of questions about CDM but your the only one i know so far who got married there.... Do you know if CDM has long table arrangments rather than just the circle tables?
  19. ok girls so do you think I should get Parasols...Hopefully will be having wedding in June of 2008 at Casa Del Mar and I know my soon to MIL and her sister are going and they both don't like the heat that much...They think it will be to hot that time....So should I get them and anyother person some Parasols...fans maybe? I just don't know.... I know all the little extras are going to start adding up once I get a idea of how many people might come.... help.... Andrea
  20. Hi. I met Francisco and he seemed nice but really didn't like his pic examples he showed us.... Anyway I do have his card though.... his website is Francisco Estrada - Photographer phone #: 044 624 116 68 95 email: [email protected] Hope this helps... Andrea
  21. Jen...Congrats. Thank you for the review it was very informative...especially about Manuel Burgoin....I'll make sure I talk to him in person and find out and make sure he will be the photographer....Did your WC hire him or did you hire him on your own? Andrea
  22. Hi...sorry still new to this sight but what does it mean to bank? Also I will eventually have a pic of me and FI up when I can get FI to shrink it for me....don't have a program that does that.
  23. How can I view the flower availability list? I don't have enough points. Tammy is the list the same from the cabobrides on yahoo?
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