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Everything posted by DreaW

  1. sorry other two are (hopefully they come up): sister's like this one I like this color too:
  2. These are the dresses I've changed too....So we are going to try on these later on.... I like this color girls like this color (sisters, that is) I REALLY like this color which one??
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH Okay here is my take. your bm dresses are a bright pink/coral color right? why not do roses with some cymbidium orchids? green goes really nicely with those colors. for your bouquet I would do something more dramatic. All roses, roses and orchids, or perhaps all white callas (which I am obviously partial to) I like gerber(a) dasies, but to me they seem a little more informal. Definitely cheery and fun, but if you are going for "beautiful flowers" I may go with something with more drama. I didn't spend a ton on my flowers (granted, I didn't use a lot of color either) but felt like what I did have really made an impact. My florist was really reasonable. I can give you more info on what I paid if you are interested but I know that, for instance, my all white calla bouquet was only $65 - originally quoted as $300 from Elena Damy Tasha, Love that idea....Braidsmaids Flowers: so what color roses? what color cymbidium orchids? Should I do White Callas for me?....I love those too, would they look good with bridesmaids flowers
  4. I bought another outfit. (see thread, somewhere on here LOL) but I'm thinking of using it for Welcome dinner instead of changing wedding dress...I don't know I'll see what happens that day.
  5. Tasha my answers are in your quote on last post...sorry for not changing color for font
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH what color(s) are your bms wearing? was thinking red but then saw dresses that someone on here on the forum and liked the dresses, white with violet flowers, or white with green flowers..... Or green dress..... what kind of a "look" do you want for your bouquet? pretty....sorry can't help you...thinking bunch of different colors for gerber daisies and another flower going with it.... what is your budget (your flowers, attendant's flowers) ? Parents and FMIL is helping pay for this...., They both want beautiful flowers..... Bridesmaids will have gerber daisies only (different color) Table will have Gerber daisies only My bouquet will be slightly different. sorry don't think this helps
  7. Hi girls...so spoke to my mother and showed her my pics for flowers I liked, well she didn't think they were colorful enough and things I should go with Gerber Daisies instead.....Which I agree with her (she has very good taste in decorating,especially flowers) I want to have my girls (4 bridesmaids) carry Gerber Daisies, but I want to have Gerber daisies with another flower, but not roses..... I asked Maye yesterday if Calla lilies were available in July and she said White ones would be available.... Ok....Main ?... What would you mix with Gerber daisies for bridal Bouquet
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Here's a very pretty arrangement that could be done for a bouquet. It has gerber daisies, roses, lilies and more. I think all these colors come in bright reds, oranges, purples, etc. so I think the way to go is to find a bouquet you like and send it to Maye to get you a price. This is the one I think I want. Because it has these special flowers from Holland it's $150 (versus $95 for gerbers & lilies): So anyway that's how I handled it. So maybe just go through the thousands of pics on The Knot and see what your mom thinks of the ones you like and then send a bunch of pics to Maye to get prices... That would be the easiest way. That way you don't have to know the name and color of every flower... Thanks Kash
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira lilies, calla lilies, maybe something like this? what are your colors? don't have a color in specific...I was going to do red dresses for the girls (see thread) but Jcrew ran out of colors...talked to corporate LOL. I know I want bright colors....reds,oranges, violet (erik likes purple), pinks.... My mom would call it Mexican beach colors.... lol I picked some flowers earlier (see threads about bridesmaids) and then showed it to my mother and she doesn't think they are bright and colorful enough...to make a long story short...she changed my mind. LOL
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Drea - We're doing gerber daisies too. Maye is getting me a tall vase with 3 gerber daisies each for $15 total (for the vase and flowers). Then a gerber daisy bouquet is $95 I think... Really Well I need to keep that in mind.... One question...I want my bridesmaids to carry the gerber daisies but I want to have some different flowers...but with the gerber daisies...what flowers would go with them, that would be available in July
  11. thanks christa.... I think I'll Have Maye get me a florist to do flowers...if it's going to cost me to much then I'll do iot myself
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Drea - yes, definitely use Maye's chuppah! It was $250 - and in my opinion definitely worth not having to mess around with a DIY situation Thanks Christa...I will definately use her for that...How much did she charge you for your flowers? Gerber daisy's especially (My mom doesn' like my flowers wants me to use more colorful ones, which I kindof agree....It won't look wierd that my bridesmaids will have gerbers and I will have a different flower right?) Thanks for your help
  13. will post the pic of my cake soon, when I get home, Very simple with choc. covered strawberries....hopefully they can do this.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Bradley Fraser For brides planning a wedding in Cabo here is a great resource (listing) of excellent wedding photographers that live and work in Los Cabos (Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo and Todos Santos). Here is the link. Bruce, Have you meet or know Jeremy Herman by any chance...I know he does video but also does photo. I'm going to meet him when I go to Cabo.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira I'm getting mine through Maye Cortinas. Also when I asked the Hilton they said they could get me one for $350. Do you have a separate wedding corrdinator or are you using.... I can't rememeber her name... CDM's coordinator? I'll post a pic... This one is $250 and made of bamboo: This one is $350 and made of wood: I'm going to use Maye as my Coordinator too...so I can ask her, when I see her in July
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 I'm getting married in the states before, and the minister that I'm using in Cabo is Rev. Scott Parsons. Cabo San Lucas Wedding Minister - Rev. Scott A. Parsons, D.D. There were a couple of great reviews on here about him and one bad review on here somewhere, where he forgot or got sick for someone's wedding. I haven't had any problems or concerns with him. I met him last august during our trip to cabo and my Fi and i both liked him. Thanks Jessalyn
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh Oh Melissa! You could still have a big mexican Fiesta in your back yard! We did this for my 21st birthday and it was a hit! We asked everyone to dress in the "Mexican" best. I cut out tissue paper and stung them on wire (you can use string too) and hung it throughout our back yard. I have to scan photos so I'll post pics later if you are interested. We hired someone to come out an make tacos and my brother and I made a "taco stand". We had tequila on everytable and my uncle even managed to get a rooster and chicken that we left in the cage and placed next to the port-a-potty! Here's a great resource in the meantime! Mexican Tissue Centerpiece 12 in - mexican fiesta decorations cute Idea Amy
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira You can also rent one in Cabo for $250. It's made of bamboo and has white tulle. really? from who?
  19. Hi girls, I've probably seen a thread like this somewhere (maybe I wrote it down...don't know LOL). I would like to know for those of you who are doing legal ceremony in the states but then having non-legal ceremony in Cabo....who are you having to do your wedding (minister, friend, family member.....ect..). If you are having a minister are you bringing him/her to Cabo with you or getting them from Cabo? I'm searching for a minister to do our non-legal wedding on the beach and don't know who to look for....I've heard and seen in some pictures that Maye (coordinator) does weddings herself or has her husband do this....I'm sorry but I don't want that. Please help. Thanks
  20. ok this might sound stupid but who hosts the bridal shower....you or family or bridesmaid? I was just thinking about this yesterday
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Andrea-I have the same issues with my girlfriends as well, although I am three months away and 4 of the 6 have yet to buy the dress. I originally bought the dress you are looking at online at JCrew for my girls and had to return it due to a change of venue, so I understand what Tasha is saying, I think that is why its hard to plan for far out because plans change, but if the price is right and they can use the dress again I am sure it will all work out. Also keep in mind that while our current lives revolve around our weddings-theirs don't, I have had to really cut back wedding talk with my BM's because I realized that I had only been talking to them about wedding stuff and missed out on their important life events, so understand that they probably just want you to be aware of their lives and considerate of their schedules. Hi christine, I totally understand that they have their lives other than my wedding....I haven't really talked to them about the wedding....everytime I think I will I just mention something really quickly and then go on to talk about something else....So they know.....I'm not even allowed to talk about the wedding to Erik until July when we go to Cabo. LOL This week is the only time I really freaked out about the dress....
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen Hi Andrea; what if they just take a tape measure and take their measurements? I'm sure Jcrew has a sizing chart online. That way if they are too lazy to go try it on they don't have to. I ended up buying my girls their dresses to avoid this BS. I got them all at the same time to avoid the hassle of turning into a timely process. Just have 1 that we need to alter for my cousin and my grandma said it would be easy. If the Jcrew dresses are on sale right now I think you should act fast if they don't. Buy their dresses for them and if they really want to buy it themselves have them pay you back. I hope it all works out... you must be stressed. I know I would be. hi Melissa, Not that stressed out...I know there are other dresses out there and I have a year, but I REALLY LIKE THIS DRESS and it's only $69 dollars. I asked them for their measurements but do you think they would give it to me? NOPE. Like I said earlier it's just 3 out of the 4 who are all pains in the arse. With regards to the dresses on Sale and acting out now....that's why I called them all yesterday after work and told them that they have to go this weekend if they wanted to try on the dress. or I would just get a size for them. I'm going to call them(Cynthia & Shelly) at my lunch time (12:52) and see if they went to the mall yet....I know that Renee will go tomorrow because I'm picking her up and taking her myself.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH Selling BM dresses is not easy. If J Crew has the same return policy that BR does then you're in the clear because they accept returns forever as long as you have tags & receipt. If they lose money, even if it's $69, that is annoying. Being a bridesmaid is expensive. That's why I recommend buying the dresses for them and letting them pay later on. It's not an issue of loss. It's just that I would also be hesitant to buy a BM dress before an official date has been announced. We are going to Cabo this July to save the date. JCrew lets you return the dress anytime with tags on.....so I understand that, I also told them that I would pay for their dresses now and they pay me back...I'm doing that for Renee (little sis) and Shelly (opera friend), my other sister (Cynthia) is purchasing it on her own and Vanessa did too (they didn't think $69 was a lot.).... They want to see how dress looks on them....and they all chose that dress when I gave them a list of dresses to choose from.
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