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Everything posted by DreaW

  1. ok I also needed to go see page two....Amy you looked beautiful
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 YAY! I am glad you got it. I was starting to get worried because the post office is a mess here and they are constantly screwing things up I was afraid of the wrath of Andrea LOL The wrath of Andrea? Am I really that scary? Great gift Kathi
  3. oh I'm so sorry. yeah, Erik and I went through this same thing....but in the end it worked it self out by sitting down and talking to one another. Don't get me wrong we still have dragged out fights almost every 2 weeks....not as much as before....but we have to sit down and calm down and talk. I'm sorry
  4. oh funny, I was about to post the same joke today....Erik emailed it to me today.....I was ROLFLMAO today.
  5. thanks mandy those are the ones I was looking for Ladies, especially the new girls, remember the search button....it's a very helpful tool.
  6. ok Nikki I can def. see the pic now I love the shoes, you look beautiful....cute couple
  7. Ok I know there is a thread on here just about this topic....need to go find it....but while I'm searching for it you can search for it too
  8. Edna, I'm so sorry , like everyone sied we are her if you'd like to talk
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy Ok, Drea, where did the "Head Elf" come from? I saw it and it didn't look weird to me, but I'm not sure why! you mean the title under my name? I changed it there when we first started the secret gift exchanges....I guess it just stuck that I was in charge of gift exchanges so I changed my title to that. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. it's b/c drea played the head elf in the movie elf. kidding - sorry drea lololololol, yup I did play the head elf Lauren, How did you know?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK I LOVE Juanes! I love your sig Thank you
  11. We had Tomas Barron as our wedding photograph (click on link below my siggy) and we had Manuel Burgoin for our Trash the Dress Session (click on link below siggy, where it says TTD).... take a look and you can see some examples
  12. oh Martha, sorry I'm late to this thread but my prayers and thoughts are with you tomorrow.I know everything will be fine.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ladygrey I think it did...I'll check other forums too to double check...thanks for your help! You're very welcome
  14. hmmmmm very interesting. They are charging more and extra for texting....I don't know know....LOL
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Oh my goodness I didn't even think of s'mores. I need to add it to the list. Yari, Yari, Yari, guess what guess what guess what!!! Just talked to Erik and he said yes!!!! So I tried calling your house (it's 6:22 right now) but I got your answering machine. We need directions and what would you like us to bring food wise, do you guys share food or cook on your own? Let me know.... Hooray, so excited....thank you for inviting us
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy I love the music! Is that Juanes? I haven't heard that song yet. Oh, and you two are super cute! yes it's Juanes I love his music. and thank you
  17. ooooo looks like fun, I can't wait till Erik is home so I can ask him..... I can get into work at 8 and be out by 12 and then we can head up...Erik doesn't work....maybe I can leave my car and then we can head up.....oooo have to convince Erik Can we bring dogs?
  18. oooo I would love to do that Stacey.....hmmm I can do that on the weekend only though
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 UGh I hate termination fee. I had t-mobile when I switched. I'd been with them 7 YEARS! And good standing and they didn't waive it. I paid 200 bucks to cut it. I hope they don't charge you! The new iPhone's plan is gonna be more than the old iPhone's plan so make sure you know that before you do it. Even though the PHONE is cheaper the plan is more expensive. Really? hmmmm where can I get the info on that Calia?
  20. ok girls, I have to call verizon and see if they will charge me the termination fee.....Yesterday when I called the guy said it might be possible to forgo the termination fee if we are in good account standing. Which we are.....so we'll see. Verizon and At&t seem like they have the same plans right?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Are you serious? If so, let's talk! I don't see why not! yes, I'm serious. Erik has been really wanting to do a camping trip and we have no plans for this weekend.....
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I was very bummed out cause my FI and I were suppposed to go camping with my BFF, her fiancee and two other friends. Well, there was a change in the date so my FI said he didn't want to go. That was a week ago. Now this morning, we are trying to figure out what to do this weekend and I said I wanted to go camping. My FI said if that is what you really want to do let's do it. I am so freaking excited. It is going to be so much fun. The last time I went it was an all girl trip/adventure. This time we are bringing our men. We are going to the Kern River!! So happy just wanted to share. oooooo Can we come
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