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Everything posted by DreaW

  1. congrats... I want to re-pierce mine ( I took mine out because I had this thought in my head that if you are over 25 it looks dumb....but I'm changing my mind).
  2. My good friend Melissa works at this studio....very good photographer :0 Belle Amie Studios they are located in Costa Mesa/Newport Beach
  3. We should just go off the nominations...since it seems to me that most people forget to vote when we have the elections , just my 2 cents..
  4. My sister's and I are surprising my mom with my older sister coming to town from WA. She has no clue.....I'm also making an album for her with memories that she and us girls (3 daughters) have done with her.
  5. In Mission Viejo it's $3.89 for regular.... I hate that I have to travel so much....
  6. So I haven't read what the other's have written....but here are my 2 cents. I think you should tell them that they need to sit down and communicate with one another about how uncomfortable it is for her and him telling her why he is needing to few the porn all hours of the night. If they are not able to communicate with one another I suggest counseling.
  7. Comes back today!!!! Hooray!!!!!
  8. I have one on my shoulder that my nephew when he was 13 picked out for me
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild It's that time of year again, free cone day is back on April 29, 2008! Go to the site to find a participating shop near you. Mmmmmm..... Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream I also wanted to add that Baskin Robbins (31 Flavors) is having a 31 cent scoop day....check it out Baskin-Robbins 31 Cent Scoop Night
  10. aww tammy, I'm sorry she left but happy that she has a good new family....I just recently wrote a similar letter to Shyla's foster mom and will continue to send her pics of Shyla too.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 OK I love Shayne's family BUT WTF is wrong with her moms face. She is like a plastic surgery gone wrong... and the lip liner?! When I saw her mom I was scared....no not really. I think it was ps (plastic surgery gone) gone wrong. Or she was having a really bad make up day. Quote: Originally Posted by Pisces I was shocked Matt wasn't upset about Amanda's prank. Personally I would have been furious. There was nothing funny about that IMHO. I know I would have been upset. I really didn't think it was funny. I think it would have been better if it was real....that's what I was hoping for. I want Shane to win
  12. How funny Rachel, I would have kicked him in the hammock to get him out.
  13. Sarah, Just read this whole thread right now. I'm so sorry about what is happening. Trust me I went through the whole thing with Erik and his Mother and father....They were both a pain in the butt to the very end and now I don't talk to them much unless Erik is with me....lol. I say you need to take the reins to this situation. Tell her that you both want the AHR and that they can help pay if they like but you will not have it at their house. You will be doing it somewhere else. Erik and I in the very beginning were trying to accommodate everything for his parents but at the end I was crying just like you, Erik was arguing with his parents, it wasn't turning out great. So Erik and I both decided to f***K it and just have the wedding in Cabo, so we got up and planned our wedding in 2 months to have it in cabo. We also were going to have an AHR but since it was also getting complicated it never happened. Still bummed about that.... Anyways off the subject. You two are both adults, tell them that and you are putting your foot down.
  14. uggg I need to move out of California!
  15. dear students, why oh why do you think you can take advantage of a sub? Especially spanish students. What's up with the attitude?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan thanks! I recently got photoshop CS3 so I'm still learning. I have been using photoshop elements for a while, but I am just started in scratch the surface of what all photoshop can do. hmmm I need to get photoshop for my mac so I can do all the great effects
  17. Wow Morgan you're very good at photoshopping...Are you using photoshop?
  18. Tammy I love all the pics you have. I especially love the bath pic lolololol
  19. Rachel I loved the pics...You're so funny....I think I have some pics like that I'll look them up
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne You can have another excuse to show off pics of your new baby! hehe I sure will
  21. I want some ice cream right now too and it's 10:31am right now lololol
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly So this is the list so far, add your name if your meeting us... Jason Karen Kelly Everton Glenda (is your fh coming) Rebecca(maybe fh) Andrea and Erik (maybe)
  23. Erik thinks that's the way they (the parents) are going to be able to chase him away from their daughter since they probably don't want her to be with him..... Sorry anyone else confused by what I wrote? lol, I am
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