Hi ladies so going by what everyone voted for Secret Month giver I've decided to call this Secret Gift month Mid-Summer Surprise....
Same rules apply from previous Secret Gift Exchanges.....
1. DEADLINE TO REGISTAR: Sunday, June 1, 2008
2. DELIVERY DATE OF GIFTS: on or before Friday, July 18, 2008
3. AMOUNT: $25 (does not include shipping charges)
4. Your secret person will be picked and you will be notified by elfster on Sunday, June 1, 2008 by email
5. **If you decide to do this you must give a gift, if you don't then there will be consequences. **
6. If you decide to participate you must have a valid email address so Head Elf (DreaW) can communicate with you if necessary....PM Head Elf with Email address. Thank you
Consequence if you don't follow rules (send gift on time, not send the gift):
If someone does not send out their gift then they will be banned for a period of time or even permanently (stated by Tammy (host))
(only on special circumstances this consequence will be ignored.....you have to PM Head Elf (DreaW) to give your valid excuse)
****Your addresses will only be seen by your Secret Mid-Summer Surprise Elf LOLOLOL.****
Here's the sign up link:
The sign up deadline is Sunday, June 01, 2008.
I hope you'll join in. This is going to be lots of fun!
Best wishes,
P.s Please remember to put your BDW username next to your name on elfster, so we know who you are. If Username is not added before draw then your name will be deleted from exchange. Thank You