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Everything posted by DreaW

  1. Have a great time Amanda and Congrats on being a Mrs. soon
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Amy - I hear ya on the big baby fear - as if we diabetics don't have to go through enough, we also get a huge baby (well, I am Type I, but same consequences!)! Hang in there! Glad everyone is doing well, despite some discomfort. That's probably my biggest complaint now too - I have a hard lump in my side and my upper left belly, I think one is a butt and one is the head. But we will find out on Friday for my 30 week checkup. I will have weekly appointments from here on out - woohoo! That baby won't be able to do much w/o me knowing about it. Except I will skip next week, since I will be in CA (not looking forward to that 4 hour flight!), and then AZ to visit my mom. Oh, and I broke a toe yesterday - which makes walking really fun. I had a little waddle going, now I also limp. Paul calls me Igor! sorry Ann, had to laugh at this. I'm sorry you broke your toe, how did you manage that? Where in CA are you going to be?
  3. i've seen this before. He is very very very cute
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by melody Silly question but how do I start a new thread? I did it when I first signed up but can't remember how.. Go to the main window on forum. Click on the category you like click on the sub-category you like to write in, if you do not want to do this go straight to the button that says "New Thread" Then start typing your thread....remember to put a title.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by S2BLennon ok - couldn't find what I was looking for! So I am gonna ask! I went into my user Cp so that I can manage all the threads i am subscribed to and saw that I can create folder for them, so I did. Now I have folders showing but I can't for the life of my figure out how to move the subscribed threads to these newly created folders?! Anyone? Help! Hi Kim just figured this out for you Go under User Cp (this is if you haven't created folders) on the left column, click on Edit Folders under Subscriptions (It should bring up a section where it says Your Folders/Add new folders... (If you have created folders) Go to your subscribed threads, go to the far right where the boxes are that you can check....check the desired box....say it's a thread about DIY, check it. Then Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you should see "Select Threads" with a scroll bar, click on the arrow down till you see "move to folder" then hit Go Then you should see: Move 1 items from 'Subscriptions' Please select a destination folder for the items that you wish to move. Folder Name: Choose the folder you want to put this thread in Then click "move items" It should work....let me know Glad to help
  6. I was also wondering if you girls took pics ....i love meeting people and taking pics lol..... Can you tell us who is who too?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 It worked Drea, I'm apparently just an idiot! No you are not an idiot, it can be hard sometimes LADIES: There are 2 ladies who haven't logged in elfster.com and added their BDW username. There are so many of you on here it's hard for me to find out who you are. Please, PLEASE, go back and add your username. Thank you....(the following people are) Kristen and Stacey)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by beckyandbrian i almost forgot to answer your question...the advanced book jacket is an option when you are in the bookmaker program and you are already designing your book. after you have chosen that you want a hardback book with a cover and you go into the design, there will be a button at the bottom of the page (like the normal buttons to enhance photos, page layout, etc) that says "advanced jacket". you click on that and it will bring up the advanced option. also, if you don't have the latest version of the bookmaker installed, you will have to update that in order for the option to appear. i had made a book back in november and it was not an option then, so i had to update the software and then it worked for me. let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks Becky....but it turns out I'm using a mac and the software doesn't have this feature for macs yet spoke to a rep.....hopefully they will do it soon.
  9. I'm so glad you had a great time and congrats..... Beautiful pic
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Drea - this is probably a stupid question, but... Do I need to do anything since I participated in the last exchange? It has my name and username in parentheses after. Erin (JamaicaBride062108 ) No current exchanges are listed. Erin, You clicked on the Elfster link in the first post above, correct? It should lead you to a page to sign in...if you are already registared then you put your username and password and it should automatically sign you up in the Mid Summer Suprise Exchange group. If you are still having promblems PM and I'll give you my number and talk you through it on the phone.....explaining for me is better on the phone
  11. Wow, There are a lot of you signing up this time. That's great! Please Remember to follow all rules posted on starting post, if not you will not be able to participate or worse banned from forum. Thank you. Also a reminder Please remember to put your BDW username next to your name on elfster, so we know who you are. If Username is not added before draw then your name will be deleted from exchange. Thank You
  12. ha you are right, just checked and he did slip up. I always thought he picked Chelsea though I wanted Shayne to win
  13. ok going back to check
  14. Quick question how did you do the advance book jacket? With the writing on the inside panel? Trying to figure it out. Love your book by the way.
  15. I really like Mypublisher, they also work with Mac ( iphoto). I've done tons of books through them. They always have discounts too...if you want I can send you the dicount info.
  16. So I've picked the month..... Hope you can join in the fun http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20625
  17. Hi ladies so going by what everyone voted for Secret Month giver I've decided to call this Secret Gift month Mid-Summer Surprise.... Same rules apply from previous Secret Gift Exchanges..... RULES: 1. DEADLINE TO REGISTAR: Sunday, June 1, 2008 2. DELIVERY DATE OF GIFTS: on or before Friday, July 18, 2008 3. AMOUNT: $25 (does not include shipping charges) 4. Your secret person will be picked and you will be notified by elfster on Sunday, June 1, 2008 by email 5. **If you decide to do this you must give a gift, if you don't then there will be consequences. ** 6. If you decide to participate you must have a valid email address so Head Elf (DreaW) can communicate with you if necessary....PM Head Elf with Email address. Thank you Consequence if you don't follow rules (send gift on time, not send the gift): If someone does not send out their gift then they will be banned for a period of time or even permanently (stated by Tammy (host)) (only on special circumstances this consequence will be ignored.....you have to PM Head Elf (DreaW) to give your valid excuse) ****Your addresses will only be seen by your Secret Mid-Summer Surprise Elf LOLOLOL.**** Here's the sign up link: Elfster The sign up deadline is Sunday, June 01, 2008. I hope you'll join in. This is going to be lots of fun! Best wishes, Andrea P.s Please remember to put your BDW username next to your name on elfster, so we know who you are. If Username is not added before draw then your name will be deleted from exchange. Thank You
  18. Most wedding planners don't really start there thing until its closer to your wedding date. It might be different for different planners though
  19. making a simple dinner of cheese enchiladas, rice and beens for dinner tonight....I think I'll make margaritas too Anyone have a good margarita recipe?
  20. Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be I thought they were talking about the HIV + chick that Izzy saw in the clinic? Quote: Originally Posted by sodria No, they were talking about Rebecca. MMmmmmm I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens this week. You never now they could be talking about the girl with HIV.....I love the twists and turns they take on the show
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