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Everything posted by DreaW

  1. when is it on again? I can't wait.
  2. just found this site...thought it could be helpful.... Orange County Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in California they have links for other states too..
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly For our NY get together on the 7th Jaime have fun, I am full of envy Yes I was thinking that but I just looked on line for tickets and it's expensive...we seriously can't spend any money right now. I'm not sure about going to New york or Jamaica this summer. We have some miles, so I'm going to talk to Erik about it.....
  4. ok on my break i have to watch this...
  5. I'm so jealous....Have a great time. I'm seriously going to plan a weekend getaway...since Erik doesn't think he will have time to take any time off. I'm thinking New York.
  6. i still need to get the book....I'm going to go to Library tonight.
  7. Wow Leigh, I love your pics....I wish I could do my wedding all over again and you could have taken my pics......hmmmmmmm
  8. go to loscabosguide.com allaboutcabo.com They have loads of info.... basically, there is scuba diving, snorkling, parasailing, jet skies, horseback riding, atving, clubs.....bars, anything you name it.
  9. DreaW

    Meet Zora

    How cute is she....
  10. I saw it last night too.....I heard from my sister that Izzy might be leaving the show...but not sure.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Do I have to tell you this again. You have to weight atleast 100lbs to be considered to have issues LOL U are soooo funny , I had a huge feeling that you would see that I posted and write a comment like that lol. That's why you're my friend LOL
  12. I'm happy that its Friday and that my older sis is coming to town
  13. i love puppies, though sometimes they can be a handful
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley Spinoff of the other thread, but I really didn't want to steal her thread So, while we were gone, we were having our garage built. It was suppose to be completely done when we got back. My neighbor is such a b%tch, that she calls the county on us all the time anyway. We got permits for everything (even for the shed removal) because we knew that she would have a fit. Well, the first day that the walls were going up, she called the county and they came out to make sure we had permits and all that nonsense. The second story was going up and she called again. She is president of our "neighborhood association" which I have never even heard of before, so the county came out again and halted everything! We got the call yesterday when we were at the airport. So, they have totally stopped builiding our garage, and it looks like for now that my neighbor wins. I don't get the fact that if you have permits for everything, how they can come fine you and shut you down. Does anyone have any experience with this? This is why I have learned to hate associations.....People with too much time on their hands, complaining about anything and everything. Also people who are on a power trip. I HATE ASSOCIATIONS and I'm living at one.
  15. this is ridiculous. I would never....
  16. congrats Nikki. !!!!!!
  17. that's very high for wedding bands....but that's my opinion. Erik's ring was 180 my wedding ring was 550
  18. ok you girls convinced me to see it with Erik.....
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB FYI - I did change my username. It used to be JamaicaBride602108 but that was too long and I feel like a lot of us are on a first name basis already. I did note it on the Elfster page. Thanks for letting me know Erin:)
  20. I'm dying!!!!! lololol, Had to send this to my sister's and friends....also sent to Erik.....because he does this lolololol
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