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Everything posted by DreaW

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura omg jose thought i was a nutbag for yelling at the tv last night during the part where they fast forwarded! WTF!!!! why is susan with ADAM?!?!??!?! That wasn't Adam Susan was with....that was Gale Harold (Queer As Folk)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa How the hell can they fast forward five years & pick up at that point?! You should have hear/seen me at the end last night, I was pissed! Those kids of Gabby's totally cracked me up though.. I was also screaming at the tv....at 1:00am (dvr'd it) It has to be a dream! They can't do that...what's up with Gabby having kids? I was like What!!!
  3. Well here is my inspirational pics that I want to copy for my hair...... I think the 3rd one is a bit shorter so no....but the others are good especially since i have wavy to curly hair
  4. saw it finally yesterday and I have to say it was worth paying the $11 to go see it. We're going to buy it when it comes out to dvd.
  5. So I'm tired of my looks....especially my hair. So I have decided to chop it short and change the color to dirty blond...Thinking a Meg Ryan look....done it before and liked it....but that was when I was 21 and had a great tan lol....so going to do it again...sometime this week or next.... So I'll post before and after pics soon
  6. We had a different photographer. We originally wanted him to do our wedding pics too but he wasn't available for that date. We had him for close to 2 hours and he took over 500+ pics and we paid 500 dollars. it was soooo worth it and we have great pics. These our our favorite, better than wedding pics
  7. We had so much fun doing ours.....Those are our favorite pics from the wedding.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Btw DH was born 4 weeks early and weighed in at 4 pounds. He grew up to be a strong athlete with no health issues to date Nugget will be fine! I was also born 2 months early and weighed 4lbs....I was super tiny....and I turned out fine
  9. i love different lang. and accents...sorry had to add this in....when I first opened this thread i was like (what in the heck is a hen do?) Thanks for explaining. and You'll have fun in whatever you do:)
  10. have a great time....try Baja Cantina on the beach...they have really good food
  11. i would also use a calling card but a cell phone is great. we have Verizon and we text eachother....it doesn't cost that much more too....
  12. Rachel, your pictures are the only one's i can see right now I love them...your flowers and cake were beautiful.... DId you also see the crabs that Jamy saw on her wedding? sorry had to ask lol
  13. ooooo amy I can't wait to see them...darn school, LET ME SEE photos lol
  14. oops I haven't seen this thread until now and haven't congratulated you . Well Congrats girls you deserve it.
  15. Edna welcome back I hope your recovery process goes quickly
  16. oh steph he is adorable...I love that you and Tammy foster....Thank you ladies for helping those in need
  17. i will log in to paypal when I get home today, I promise
  18. oooo I can't wait to see the pics when I get home since I can't from work
  19. oh jen I'm sorry that you fell. Though it is funny how you yelled at the woman.
  20. like the other girls stated... (sorry would add more but my head is all foggy with being sick and all)
  21. I truthfully don't think u can fall in love with a random stranger competing with 20 something other girls, while knowing he makes out with everyone of them and then decide to marry....this is why most of the bachelors haven't lasted long....my opinion
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I just realized the deadline is June 1st! that is still so far away!! I know...i just had some people say they wanted a longer time to decide if they want to be in it or not. It also gives them time to think on what to buy. remember to post your wishlist ladies and if you haven't please go back to elfster and add you BDW username next to your name or in you comment...if not I will be deleting your name from the list....sorry it's the rules ( I have a few people who haven't done this and will not be looking them up).
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