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Everything posted by MSMAZE31

  1. I used the self laminating tags from walmart to do the trial tags. I downloaded some program off the net that had a template. One side had our names,date, and a design the other had our guests names. In the end I found $1 lug tags at michaels and just printed their names on biz cards , inserted then & called it a day. I ran out of steam with printing and cutting and pasting after doing our invites. I can look and see what program that was on my computer this weekend. April June 10, 2006 Dreams Los Cabos My Wedding Pictures
  2. It worked out great! We set up our playlist and had a friend who was ipod savy (even though they are very easy to use) be in charge. We rented a mic and speaker for wedding and ceremony. With 70 people I was glad we had it for the service. During the reception our bestman was the mc ..he was perfect! The Dreams charges a ridiculous amount of money to rent a mic and speaker. Make sure you ask Erika how much and maybe shop around for prices. We bought a lansing speaker for our ipod just in case but we didn't end up using it so I don't know if it would have worked or not. April June 10, 2006 Dreams Los Cabos Wedding Planning Bio
  3. Yes thats the group she uses. There are other group through Fun & motivation but they were way more expensive. Lunas had a drummer but I was told sometimes they do perform with a CD. Wedding Planning Bio
  4. The show was great! I don't have their contact info...I think Tammy posted their flyer on here somewhere. I was in direct contact with them but they stopped responing so I went through Maye. April June 10, 2006 Dreams Los Cabos Wedding Planning Bio
  5. actually he had no problem at all. I asked him if they gave him a hard time with all his equipment and he said not at all. The only country he has ever had a hard time entering is China and he is chinese. I have to say going thru customs was the easiest thing...we went and got passports and really it was so unecessary..they gave me a bottle of wine on the plane, she made a big deal about claiming it But no one asked or checked. @ flew home with my bouquet..they never even checked my carry-on. I will ask him what he filled out on his mexico authorization form (the one u get on the plane) though to make sure. April June 10, 2006 Dreams Los Cabos Wedding Planning Bio
  6. I found this post on the knot: The bookmaker softwear has to be used regardless. I did a book similar to the tempates they provided (but in Shutterfly). In the end, I didn't like the restrictions with how many picutres I could fit on a page, where I had to journal, etc. If you design the "picture" yourself using a program like powerpoint- you can layer pictures on top of one another, write accross the pictures, etc. You have more versatility. I have the directions to get started if you would like me to e-mail them to you, leave your address. Or look at CourntneyJean 's bio, theres less detailed, but still good directions there. </P> http://www.theknot.com/co_profilevie...mypublisherbio</P> April June 10, 2006 Dreams Los Cabos Wedding Planning Bio
  7. Thanks Tammy I downloaded the program last night so I can start playing with it. I've seen on the knot some girls use powerpoint or another program first but I don't understand how you would upload that....are you using anything else or just publisher? April June 10, 2006 Dreams Los Cabos Wedding Planning Bio
  8. We got legally married in the states first so I can't help you with that either. Our photographer (we hired a LA photographer and brought him with us) was ALL over the place so I can't wait to see the pix. He says it will take him two weeks from today so I will keep you posted. He started pre-pictures around 4 ...my wedding was at 6:15. April June 10, 2006 Dreams Los Cabos Wedding Planning Bio
  9. I say go for it! I bought my dress as a sample so I saved tons BUT then I purchased bridal bargains (the book) and found out I could have saved even more online. I agree with the credit card in case something happens. AMEX has a great dispute policy. Good lick and keep us posted. April June 10, 2006 Dreams Los Cabos Wedding Planning Bio
  10. you will be there the day before felissa's wedding! Are you staying at the dreams? wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  11. *sigh* both...I am using three travel agents..Teresa is the only one that is awesome about getting back to me..the other two...nightmare. Any word from the hotel on oot bag delivery? wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  12. really? wow I am impressed! I can't even get people to RSVP let alon find out exactly when they are coming! wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  13. good one Tam! I have to start my orders this month....petals,oot bag stuff,garter.........We are on count down!!! wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  14. I haven't asked that yet. If they do I am going to give them to guests at our welcome cocktails thursday night and the rest of the guests friday night at rehearsal dinner. Tammy might know better.... wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  15. I love it!!! It's so elegant AND it becomes short...clever..I thought a dress like that was only in my mind. wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  16. hehe..... wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  17. So I just came from the mac store and had a small little lesson on how to play an ipod at your reception. The guy who was helping me used it for his own reception as well. Apparantly, in itunes (the program you use with your ipod) you can choose to mix the songs into each other or put delays in between each song. He also recommended the portable speakers....Alltec Lansig. The speakers are about $240. He said he had 100 people in a big space and the sound was great. It has a remote so you can turn it down during dinner. Or you can plug the ipod into a big speaker that is provided. I asked for a microphone and speaker at the hotel but we are going to bring the portable speaker just in case the plug in doesn't work for some reason. For songs you want to make playlists...for example: Dinner playlist two hours worth of dinner music. Dancing playlist: three hours worth of songs. Maybe have your "first dance song" at the top of the list..usually at the end of dinner. You will have to appoint a MC person to be in charge of the flow..in our case our bestman who will know when to make toats ect... I hope I am not making it sound too complicated because he made it sound super easy. I am making putting the playlists together my fiance's job....playing with gadgets is perfect for him. HTH wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  18. lol....I WISH I had the money to do that!! I wish I had the money just to hire someone to do EVERYTHING and all I have to do is show up. wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  19. I was going to buy the bags frm www.cheaptotes.com but I ended up winning some on ebay. I did the iron on transfer kit frm staples. It's about 5 bucks for 6 sheets. Way cheaper than having someone print them for me. wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  20. suncreen lip stuff stomach medicine wedding day timeline a candle for there room sarong (if I could find them in dwntwn la for a good price) welcome letter wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  21. awww thanks girls...you both have made my day! I love the back too..I am thinking I might walk in backwards. wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  22. lol..jeez I give up! You can see it in my bio by copying and pasting the link. I have another fitting this week..I will take pix then and upload them to photobucket. wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  23. thanks..I hope so! It is hard work trying to make 5 girls happy. wedding planning bio: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  24. I am a tara std fan too! Very nice and very informative. The more information you can give your guests the better it will be for you. I made mine with supplies from paper source. I also included a postcard picture of the gazebo that we are getting married at with the travel agents info on it. (see pix in the link below). Someone on the knot did boarding passes which I thought was really creative too. wedding planning bio:http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=mrsmaze31
  25. I did both BUT only three did their rsvp online. And I had about 15 RSVPs in the mail and I have 60 guests. (eyes rolling) so.....my situation is no help. Thank goodness for my travel agent keeping a list or I wouldn't know exactly who is coming. I still have about ten people that I have to call. If you decide to do RSVP in the mail I did postcards so it wasn't too bad..but it was a pain in the butt. [email protected]
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