Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I recently read "whatever it takes" about jeffry canada & the harlem children's zone. it was pretty inspiring. and also made it so clear how important early education is.
i was very happy to see that obama supports spreading this program into more cities.
When i first heard about this I googled "harlem childrens zone" to see what else I could find out. I saw a lot of people saying things like, "I don't want my tax payer dollars going to pay someone to read to a kid."
This is where I think a societal perspective really makes a difference. If we are willing to fund programs that really help kids succeed, then down the road these kids are paying taxes instead of living on welfare. also, spending money now on good programs will cut down on future law enforcement costs.
I understand the idea of, "it's my money, i worked hard for it & i want to keep it." I'm a big time saver. I'm sure everyone can see from the way I planned my wedding I don't like spending my money. But, I'm happy to support programs that really will help people and improve our society. Morgan, I used to work for a group called Fight Crime: Invest in Kids and we argued just what you said: if you invest in kids early, you cut crime later. And when you reduce crime, you save money. For every dollar spent now on quality early education, you can save $17 down the road in decreased crime, welfare, law enforcement, and increased tax revenues. So really it's fiscally conservative!
Obama has pledged to make early education one of his top priorities.
Sorry to get off topic! I couldn't help myself since I worked on that issue for 4 straight years...