Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia anyone else has more ideas?
I'm buying these
from http://www.ailanakai.com/
And I'm planing on putting in a bottle of water with a sticker with our names, a towel with our initials (my mom said she'll buy the fabric and make them), personalized matches. And I don't know what else to put. I want to get cheap sunscreen and sample sized products, but since I'm inviting around 300 people and I still don't know how many are actuallin GOING I don't know where to start.
If you have a webpage for cheap samples let me know please!!!! ana, check out this folder...(OOT bag)...i posted these mini sunscreens that had names/logos on them...they were not very expensive but you had to order a min. of 100 so i couldn't do it.
what about underwater cameras, snacks.?