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Everything posted by TammyWright

  1. this is really hard...all nominees are awesome!
  2. ok, i have some free time tonight and tomorrow night so I am gonna start working on the bugs...wish me luck and please post in this thread if you see anything new come up.
  3. check out this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...o-montage.html and i am going to move this thread to the DIY folder.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller my hubbys an accountant. in his spare time he builds robots. need i say more? my DH is nerdier...he manages the tech/web department for the largest text book publisher so he comes home with all this info on how frogs produce and things from medical text books.. in his spare time he: flies a radio control helicopter, trims his bonsai tress (his newest obsession)...he also surfs and plays in a punk band...but he is an uber-nerd!
  5. i wanted an AI and not to be right in town...i wanted a more resort feel and less of a spring break feel since we had lots of family (grandparents, kids) attending. i chose dreams....the room rates were a little higher than what non-AI but the wedding package can't be beat. hilton, cabo surf, sheraton, casa del mar, riu are also popular choices.
  6. kelly, that is just rude...unfortunately i deal with it everyday. you have no idea how many people think that the deadline does not apply to them. when they say, payment due by x-date they think they can pay whenever they want. it is such a pain to deal with.
  7. great job natasha...are you going to honeymoon there as well?
  8. i haven't heard of anyone having a problem bringing stuff in...
  9. i put in a few complaints on my last EDR wedding. They are having many transitions there and until they get their act together I will hold off on booking anymore weddings there.
  10. Just a heads up...2007 rates and 2008 rates are VERY different now because of the new dophinarium. for 2007 i was able to get rates in the $120-145 per person per night range, but 2008 are now coming in around $150-250 per person, per night. also, January/February rates are going to be VERY different than June/july rates. to get an idea if the rate you have is a good one, i'd compare it against the rate directly through the hotel and expedia/orbitz to see how your rate compares.
  11. there are a bunch of little things i need to work on: 1. shoutbox 2. profiles 3. BDW email is down so if you are emailing/or trying to register i am not getting the email 4. uploading pics i'm sure there is more...i wanted to give it a few days then start working on all the bugs since some might be related to each other.
  12. the only one I can think of is Desire resort in Los Cabos clothing optional, adults only, couples only, all-inclusive, Desire Resort - Cancun and Los Cabos Mexico it is an "exotic" resort, clothing optional. Dreams allows kids but doesn't have that many kids. Melia and Riu are both AI as well.
  13. angela, your hair looks great...it will photograph so well. i agree about the conditioner...i always bring my own conditioner because even when they have it, it is not what i like to use.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller tammy - take care of yourself! that burn sounds awful. im sorry! i missed the forum too. but this one was down AND a photojournalism forum i belong to and i have been SO, SO productive the last few days ann and i were emailing about that. i think she got some thank yous and laundry done. and tammy i heard from carrie whos all excited about doing her first "destination" baby portrait. shes so excited! im glad it worked out. shes so much better at that than i could ever be! i can't wait to meet carrie also...she is going to come up and take the baby pics in our loft...it is so much tricker than a wedding because who knows when jackson is going to make an appearance.
  15. sillyies, i'm not allowed to be MotM... i nominate: Mrs: TammyB and ann! for obvious reasons...i mean every morning i look forward to something going on with tammyB's life and ann pretty much got the PV forum up and running by herself. BTB: Catherine (LadyP)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Tammy I did that once too, it's crazy how fast you hand feels like it's melting on the pan. God I bet that hurt, how are you feeling now. today is sooo much better...last night i wanted to chop my hand off...i have vicodin for pain but dont want to take so much cuz of Jackson.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Dear Hostess are you ok. How did you mangae to burn yourself? I am sooooo glad to be back I was so lost without this site. i was trying to get the forum up and running and cook dinner at the same time...i made this meatloaf in a skillet in the oven and the temp was really high (400 degrees) to brown it and i forgot to use oven mitts and grabbed it with my bare left hand so it burned it really badly. i didn't want to go to the ER because they make you wait so long so i took some tylenols and kept it on cool water... but a few hours later, my hand was swollen and blistering so i had to go to the ER....luckily it wasn't that busy but i was still there for 3 hours (until 3:30am)!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Tammy how did you manage to burn your hand? You poor thing... Ok I have one question, since the "new posts" option isn't up anymore how do we search for new posts now? hmm...let me fix that
  19. Hi Everyone, We are back live. To make a long story short, our old hosting company turned us off because we were taking too much of the server's resources. The traffic was too high and too many members were doing searches that were draining the cpu quota. So I (actually my DH) moved the server to a VPS (virtual private server) so we won't have those issues again. I have been meaning to do this but it is always a little hairy since the database for this forum is so huge. I may have lost a few things (threads, posts, pictures) so if you ecounter any errors/technical issues, please let me know. tammy ps. also, i burned my hand really badly last night and DH had to take me to the ER so now my left hand is all blistered and i am taking vicodin...woohoo!!!
  20. i used sam perches a year ago and he was great...jenn just used him about 3 weeks ago and she loved him as well. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1204
  21. hi jamy, all the pics i uploaded are jpg but they are about 800 x 600...if you email me the pics, i will resize them for you so you can upload them. [email protected]
  22. who has a vitamix? do you have the regular one or the professional series? i need to get one and will probably pick one up tomorrow after my dr. appointment. i was going to hold off until after we moved but now with this gestational diabetes i should probably get it now to have a smoothie for breakfast so i am not tempted to grab a donut or croissant. any tips or recipes you want to share?
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Awesome, thanks Tammy! Do you know if the prices would skyrocket in December or January, possibly over New Year's? I'm assuming they would, just trying to weigh some options. they will def. be higher but if booked early not that much higher...if you were to book by August you should be fine...you really pay when you try to book when the hotel is filling up... if you get your TA to get a room block for you you should be ok as well.
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