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Who should get a gift?

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My FI and I are tying the knot in Jamiaca 11/11/11 <3. 11 of our closest friends and family members will be joining us. We are financially assisting most people so they can make the trip. We have chosen not to designate any bridal party members. I want to do some sort of welcome baskets for all our guests but i dont really know what to include with them except some cameras for fun and memories.


*Should everyone receive a gift? 

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You could put together some OOT bags for all of your guests.  Thats what we are doing rather then buying every person a gift individually.  OOT bags don't have to be expensive, ours are less then $10 per bag.  Try searching to find examples of what people include in them.

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Thanks for your response JayKay. I have been looking at old threads and got quite a few ideas for OOT bags. I really like the personal letter inside a bottle. I just thought that was neat. So IYO, if i want to give someone a special gift just include it with the OOT bag? 

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We are doing OOT bags for all our guests (1 per couple and 1 for each single).  I originally was going to give my bridal party gifts but now we are just going to "oomf" up their OOT bags and add any special individual gifts in there! If you have only 11 people I would suggest doing 1 for each person and then just putting any personal gift in there!!!


Hope this helps, good luck and happy planning :)

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i dont know if i would do the gift thing, but def the OOT bags...this way everyone gets something and your not driving all over the city to get individual gifts. PLUS this way ppl dont think owww they got a better gift!

were doing the OOT bags honest so ppl have something to go away with and to not leave anyone out. and if you do bargin shopping it will save the cost for you two who have put alot of money out already!

Originally Posted by meBonidie2be View Post

My FI and I are tying the knot in Jamiaca 11/11/11 <3. 11 of our closest friends and family members will be joining us. We are financially assisting most people so they can make the trip. We have chosen not to designate any bridal party members. I want to do some sort of welcome baskets for all our guests but i dont really know what to include with them except some cameras for fun and memories.


*Should everyone receive a gift? 


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Hmmm, are tons of OOT forums, including one I was reading yesterday about unique stuff to put in OOT bags.  But, so far, I have liked the typical stuff like medicine and also Sudoku books for down time, personalized stadium cups, especially if you are at an all inclusive.  I am drawing a complete blank.  But, good luck and congrats!

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im putting a welcome letter (8 pages) lol with travel info and extra stuff, im also doing a do not disturb sign for everyones room, hair flowers for the girls, and vizors for the men, travel cups, handheld fans(pier one) and then the normal stuff lol

Originally Posted by meBonidie2be View Post

Thanks for all your responses. I love the advice. Any new suggestions on fun things to include in OOT bags?


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