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Finally sent out our STD's yesterday!  Let the booking begin :)


We lucked out since a good friend is a graphic designer and does wedding invitations on the side (www.marsdesign.ca).  She really allowed me to participate in the process and it was actually really fun to work on with such and expert.  I give her vague ideas and she makes it happen like magic!

Here is the final product:





STD_Back_no details.bmp



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  • 3 weeks later...

I was.thinking the same thing! Being that invitations are more expensive, would've been great to get a head count of the invites before ordering them.

Great Job! I like how you had people RSVP tentatively on your website first so that you know who to send formal invites to. I wish I had thought of that!

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Thanks ladies. So far the guests liked them! I am hoping the online RSVP works out ok. But I have already decided i am going to start calling them a month before deposits are due. Invites will probably go out in November when I am more sure of numbers. Ps I didn't use vista print because my friend had a printer hook up and there was a postal strike on at the time but you can print 100 standard postcards on vista print for very cheap!

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