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Weight Loss/Fitness Support for 2012 Brides!


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Okay, so I wanted to take a page from the 2011 brides and throw out some group support behind wedding weight loss.


I'm now a little bit less than a year away from my wedding, so it's time to get cracking.  I've always struggled with being consistent with a workout and diet routine.  I don't want to be worried about whether my dress is going to look right, concerned about whether I'll be in enough shape to do that boudoir shoot I'm dying to give my FI as a wedding present, or feeling self conscious about wearing a bikini in front of a ton of people.


Bottom line - I want to be in the best shape of my life for my wedding.


I'm hoping that we can support each other in keeping aligned with our weight loss/fitness goals.  For myself, I need to tone more than anything - and that means learning how to be consistent with working out!!!

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I have lost 3lbs in two weeks.  I know it is not much, but I am trying to keep it off and not just "water weight".  Trying to eat more fruits and veggies and less white carbs.  If I do eat carbs, I eat in the morning so I have the whole day to burn.  Trying to stay focused.

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In June this year.  I feel bad for my FI.  We just got into a mini arguement about working out today.  You see, I am also a student and wanted to relax today before I go back to school.  All week I have been working out or working.  Wanted today to be my relaxation day.  He was upset with me cuz i took soooo long getting ready (because I didn't want to go) and then decided to not go.  I know I am venting, but just need some motivation.  I guess I will do some at home gym stuff to make him less angry when he gets home.  Prob a P90X Kenpo.  Ugh, I really dislike working out, but it's the only thing that actually works.

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No worries!!  God bless you with the P90x.  My FI did that before, and I would lift my spoon to my mouth in a show of support, lol!  Between my work and my commute, I am out of the house from 7am-7pm so I don't even bother with a gym membership.  I try to get up early in the morning and work out at home before work - just need to get more consistent!

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Hey there, I'm a 2012 bride who's trying to work on this!


I'm doing Weight Watchers. I really like the program, but of course, my first weigh-in was the first day of my period (sorry T.M.I. lol) but it was so incredibly frustrating to go up .2 lbs the first week when I was so good with staying within my points every single day!! I just had to tell myself to keep the faith, and it will pay off eventually!! I think I'm down about 5 lbs since the new year now, which sounds like a lot, but really I have alot to lose. At least my pants fit a bit better.


I love winter because I'm a naval orange addict and they're in season so its a good time for me to start this process.


I'm re-learning how to eat since this needs to be a life-change for me, not a pre-wedding diet. Now I'll need to start learning how to stick with being more active a few times a week!


I'm also one week without a cigarette so it's life-change time! (LOVE the e-cig for any of you smokers out there!)

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Hi 2012 Brides!!


I wanted to get back in shape for quite some time now, and there is no better time than the present with a BIG motivation being the wedding day.  Knowing that I wouldn't do anything before Friday (I had to take my Boards and Passed) YAY...I set a goal of 15 pounds (My FI thinks I'm crazy)..but I gotta get my 6 pack back...  Like Perry1217 I am up and out of the house by 8 and then after work, I am dealing with my 10 yr old and his schedule.  Although, I have been paying for 2 gym that I haven't used in a looonnnggg time, I decided to cancel that membership. Here's my Plan that I will start this week:

1) Power90 (a precursor) to P90x don't want to initially kill myself with P90X but I brought both along with the items needed to make it successful

2) P90X

*I will be going to my Pole classes on Fridays from 6-8p...this is great fun, an awesome workout, and something that I started last year.  Also this will be a part of my gift to my Husband along with a boudoir shoot... so I gotta be right!!!

3) Was toying around with weight watchers. I actually don't have bad eating habits, however; lately I have been eating and/or drinking late... so not sure If I will spend the money for this one.


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The WW thing has been good for me because I have the worst eating habits in the world. Seriously - lazy and terrible. And this is helping me to learn how to eat and live right. Life change not a diet is what I need to do right now.


If you have an iphone there are a ton of free apps with which you can track your points, and you don't have to pay for the actual WW program. Let me know if you want me to calculate your target points!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Hi 2012 Brides!!


I wanted to get back in shape for quite some time now, and there is no better time than the present with a BIG motivation being the wedding day.  Knowing that I wouldn't do anything before Friday (I had to take my Boards and Passed) YAY...I set a goal of 15 pounds (My FI thinks I'm crazy)..but I gotta get my 6 pack back...  Like Perry1217 I am up and out of the house by 8 and then after work, I am dealing with my 10 yr old and his schedule.  Although, I have been paying for 2 gym that I haven't used in a looonnnggg time, I decided to cancel that membership. Here's my Plan that I will start this week:

1) Power90 (a precursor) to P90x don't want to initially kill myself with P90X but I brought both along with the items needed to make it successful

2) P90X

*I will be going to my Pole classes on Fridays from 6-8p...this is great fun, an awesome workout, and something that I started last year.  Also this will be a part of my gift to my Husband along with a boudoir shoot... so I gotta be right!!!

3) Was toying around with weight watchers. I actually don't have bad eating habits, however; lately I have been eating and/or drinking late... so not sure If I will spend the money for this one.


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HI All,


April 2012 bride here, and I've been making my lifestyle change for 2 years now, I've dropped like 85 lbs, but still want and need to lose more.  My problem is the working out.  I HATE it, I need to find a fun way to do it plus being a Wisconsin bride, there is no easy way to motivate the outdoor walk when it is 20 degrees outside and the wind just blows right through you.  I have done WW in the past, but I have realized that I can only hold myself accountable and I have to forgive myself if I don't stick to the rules.  This is the only reason I have been successful so far is that I allow myself to indulge because the minute i feel like I fail, I keep feeling that way and the power of positive thinking is what I need to be successful.  GL to us all, and here's to rockin' our weddings in 2012.

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