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*omg* Did I buy the right dress??

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HELP!!!  I'm one of those brides that is suffering from severe dress regret and am not sure if I bought the right dress....



I went dress shopping with my sister while my mom was away on vacation. We went to at least 6-8 stores tried on at least 30-50 dresses, narrowed it down to my top 3 and brought my mom back to see them.  At one of the stores my mom pulls a completely different/new gown I hadn't tried on and was eventually convinced that it didn't fit the scene, the venue, the theme (*ruffles were more 'spanishy'), etc. since it was heavy and lace. Not to mention I wanted to do a TTD and I'd drown in the beading/lace!!  After leaving that store, we went across to the next store to try on another dress from my top 3 - it was on sale and I ended up  making the purchase...... yet I still can't stop looking and trying on dresses/gowns because I've LOST that 'wow feeling' of the one I bought.... what do you guys think? I don't know how to add a poll to a thread but I'd be interested in some opinions?


*MOH dress - JH5924 (http://www.bigdaydress.com/ecom/products/p_JH5924#DetailImage )

*Bridesmaids dresses - JH8052 (http://www.bigdaydress.com/ecom/products/p_JH5082#DetailImage )


The one my Mom found - Demetrios Evelyn                                     My dress - Allure 8705


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I love, love, love your MOH dress.  Love it so much I'm trying to think of a reason I can buy it for myself!


But back to your question.  I absolutely think if you aren't happy, you should look for an alternative solution.   Does the place you bought your dress, carry the dress that you want?  Maybe they'll accept an exchange?


For what it's worth, I think both dresses are gorgeous on you, but #1 took my breath away.  It seems made for your body.

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Both dresses are beautiful but I think you made the best choice. Like you said, the other one just isn't practical for your theme and venue. I too experienced the "can't stop looking" feeling, but that's because I never felt a special attachment to the dress I chose. You'll look gorgeous on your day. If you want, maybe you can look into adding some bling like a sash? I added fuchsia netting to my crinoline to make it feel more special to me.

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You look beautiful in both.  I'm in a similar situation, except I don't have a second option.  I'm just not thrilled with my dress, but financially I can't go get another one.  So, I am focusing on how beautiful everything will be all pulled together.  Your dress is gorgeous and your groom won't know that there was even a thought of another dress.  Good luck deciding what to do!

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Carly - Thanks for your comments, but unfortunately the store doesn't carry the lace gown and can't order the first dress :(

..... and like you it still takes my breath away..... I felt like a million bucks in that one!!  but I went with the 'ruffles' for the theme PLUS its more comfortable than the lace... BUT does a bride go for GLAMOUR or COMFORT??? 

Originally Posted by carly View Post

I love, love, love your MOH dress.  Love it so much I'm trying to think of a reason I can buy it for myself!


But back to your question.  I absolutely think if you aren't happy, you should look for an alternative solution.   Does the place you bought your dress, carry the dress that you want?  Maybe they'll accept an exchange?


For what it's worth, I think both dresses are gorgeous on you, but #1 took my breath away.  It seems made for your body.

Hi Mocha!  My theme is very spanish, but my venue is not a beach.... it will be a church wedding and a beach/restaurant reception.  Not sure if it makes a difference though.... 

I went to the store I bought the dress from and she also suggested that she'll do whatever it takes for me to fall in love with it again.... I just don't feel that it flatters my figure as well :(


Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

Both dresses are beautiful but I think you made the best choice. Like you said, the other one just isn't practical for your theme and venue. I too experienced the "can't stop looking" feeling, but that's because I never felt a special attachment to the dress I chose. You'll look gorgeous on your day. If you want, maybe you can look into adding some bling like a sash? I added fuchsia netting to my crinoline to make it feel more special to me.


Thanks TLGnhci - I've managed to complain SO MUCH that my groom knows I'm having these doubts :(

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

You look beautiful in both.  I'm in a similar situation, except I don't have a second option.  I'm just not thrilled with my dress, but financially I can't go get another one.  So, I am focusing on how beautiful everything will be all pulled together.  Your dress is gorgeous and your groom won't know that there was even a thought of another dress.  Good luck deciding what to do!

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Thanks acireta... my wedding won't be on the beach though so I think the lace could be appropriate in a chapel wedding?

Originally Posted by acireta View Post

wow, what beautiful dresses! I kind of lean towards the ruffled second one, it looks lighter and more beachy but seriously you are stunning in both of them!

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Honestly, I think it depends on how much it matters to YOU.  My dress was one of the most important things to me.  I didn't care I was getting married on a beach in Jamaica in hot May, I was going to make my dress work and I did and I wouldn't chance a thing.  Granted, I didn't do a TTD and I probably would've used a different dress since lace/beading doesn't so well in the water. 


Some brides don't care that much about the dress and other brides it really matters to you.  So you just need to decide which one you are and either stick with your dress (which is a great option) or sell that dress and get the one that made you feel like a million bucks!  Good luck with whatever you decide. I know lots of girls have had luck on here selling their dresses.

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Oh GF I feel your pain, this is such a popular theme in this forum.


My personal opinion.......go for what makes YOU feel gorgeous and not what you think others may think.


NO.......you are not suposed to feel comfortable.....i would pick beautiful over comfort for my wedding dress anyday !!! Youre not in it that long :)


I must say , as others have said, you are stunning in either!!!  Truly you cant go wont.


I think the first one is very glamorous and princess like........the other way is gorgeous but a light feeling, but fit your body fantastic (im jealous).


Also, keep in mind..........I too was in your situation and I am stuck with a dress I cant sell yet, or rather NO luck selling yet, but I LOVE my second dress....


I am naturally indecisive so i expected this from myself.....LOL.


Again, you cant go wrong, but if you LOVE the other one...GO FOR IT and try to sell the other one............If you can financially afford it.


Good luck...

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