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Im gonna slap somebody!


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If ONE MORE PERSON tells me that they don't like to fly, I promise you, I'm gonna slap somebody. Why do people think that you should change what you want for the sake of them coming.  If you're not coming, so be it. Its cheaper for me anyway. LOL. Its so selfish and inconsiderate for people to expect you to accommodate them on your day!  If you wanna participate, you have to be on my schedule. Just that simple.


We are doing a Destination Wedding regardless of who shows up!


I know i'm not the only one who feels this way :)

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Lol!  That's right.  It's your day and you do what you want!!


I had one friend try to convince me to get married at Disney b/c she loves it there.  But, she was just thinking about my guests.  I'm like, hello, I'm thinking of my guests as well, and trying to keep the cost down.  But, push come to shove, it's my day and as you said ~ come or don't come, I'm getting married on a beach and it's going to be great!


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I know what you mean...having a destination wedding means there will inevitebly be someone who isn't happy for one reason or another.


I've got a few random family members who seem a put put off that they're not invited but we found it easier (not to mention cheaper) to just invite immediate family.  We have many family members who would not be able to afford the trip and and a few who would have no problem paying for it.  We chose not to extend invitiations to any of them because we didn't want anyone to feel like they had to find a way to pay for such an expensive trip.  And we didn't want to exclude the "less wealthy" people by just inviting those who we knew could afford it.


You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't!  fryingpan.gif

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Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Lol!  That's right.  It's your day and you do what you want!!


I had one friend try to convince me to get married at Disney b/c she loves it there.  But, she was just thinking about my guests.  I'm like, hello, I'm thinking of my guests as well, and trying to keep the cost down.  But, push come to shove, it's my day and as you said ~ come or don't come, I'm getting married on a beach and it's going to be great!


I read your comment and thought thank goodness I'm not the only one. My sister asked me to change the date because their flight leaves early the next day and they don't want to be tired and rushed. Oh, I'm sorry my wedding is getting in the way of your vacation. We actually picked our wedding , Good Friday, so that our friends could attend and not have to take a lot of time off work. When I told her this, she said "who?" and then followed it up with "well, if they don't come will you change it." I've always been told that it's the brides day, but apparently in my family it's always my sister's day.


And then today I reminded my dad that when they make their reservations they need to ask to be put in our wedding group. His response was that it was probably easier for me to do that and not expect people to ask. "Umm.... you're already on the phone with the resort!" So once again, sorry if our wedding is getting in the way of your vacation.


Thank goodness I have a wonderful FI that is supportive and keeps telling me to just ignore their comments. I work 6 days a week and am stuck at work anytime that I might be able to contact my WC. You would think that at least your parents would be a little helpful.

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