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How did you meet your FI / DH?


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About 2.5 years ago I went up to a guy I had never talked to at a club in LA while I was on vacation and kissed him. He was on vacation as well from Chicago and I was living in Las Vegas. A year later we both moved to LA and are living together and have been a couple for 1.5 years! A lot of my friends said I could never meet a quality guy at a club but I was going to clubs and thought I was a quality girl, so it can happen! Just wondering if anyone else has met that way or if we're part of a minority?

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I actually met my FI at two different bars/clubs. We met the first time when a common friend introduced us at a local bar that all the college kids go to. He was dating another girl at the time, so it was just a friendly introduction. But a couple of months later, my best friend and I were at another bar in uptown Charlotte and I saw him again. This time, he was single and got my number and the rest is history.


He is a 9th grade Science teacher...he loves kids and animals...his family is fabulous...he is extremely attractive and has the sweetest, kindest heart of anyone I have ever known. I couldn't have asked for anything more...so yes, I believe you can meet "the one" just about anywhere! It doesn't have to do with where you are, it is just that you are meant to be in that place at that specific time wink.gif


Plus, I agree with what you said about you being a quality girl at that bar!!

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This happened to Jay and I.. Jay was the weekend DJ at the bar.. and I was pretty much the new bar groupie for that certain place. It took almost 6 months before we even chatted really... even with him sending drinks my way.. I had sworn off DJ's after the last one. It happened on Halloween when the first spark hit! This little Dorothy was soon interested in the man in scrubs behind the booth. Then Christmas came.. and he asked me to go with my GF to a private party he was Djing ... My GF and I went, and as soon as our first slow dance... I knew he was the man I was going to marry... it took 7 years until 2 weeks ago, when we said yes!!

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I met my DH in a bar 24 years ago. My girlfriend took me there to meet another guy that was playing in the band. I thought the guy was ugly and spotted Rob with his leather jacket and cute black hat. I asked my gf who he was and she said he was the brother of the drummer. Come to find out, the drummer used to date my sister a few years back but I never met his brother! The rest is history, albeit a weird one, we got married in 1990, divorced in 1998 and remarried in 2008!

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Does a club and a bar count as the same thing? Technically we kinda already knew each other since we went to high school together, but we never spoke. We hung out in the same group but were both dating other people. So his senior year of college, and my junior year, we were at the same New Years Eve party. After a few drinks, I went up to talk to him about this childhood friend of his that had moved away when they were young, that I was actually working with over the Christmas break. He turned out to be my New Years kiss, and the rest is history. So I guess so?

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