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Any 2011 Brides out there?

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Hello everyone.


Just wondering if any 2011 brides out there, who like me feel like its forever and a day away......

We are looking at booking the Riu Palace Riviera Maya hopefully for May 2011

we know we definatly want Mexico and we are just waiting on May 2011 prices to come out at our Travel agents. As soon as we get these we will most certainly be on our way to book.....


Who else is 2011, when and where?


Nicola x x

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hi nicola,


i'm getting married between feb 5-12 or so 2011.. i am definalty going to be getting married in the mayan. not exactly sure what resort but i am going on feb 14 to check out one of the resorts we are thinking about getting married at which is the grand palladium. were also planning while we are there to look at some other resorts that we had in mind. hopefully when we get back we can make a decision and get the ball rolling. we have save the dates being made right now so people can stop harassing us about dates and stuff.

whising you all the best of luck.



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How exciting :-) I wish we could afford to do a site visit before hand, only travelling back and forth to Mexico from the UK isnt exactly cheap so the pennies will be being saved for the wedding.

Its very exciting isnt it :-)

You will have to let us know how your visit goes and which way you make your decission. I think is so much fun knowing were having a DW but its quite frustrating waiting for prices / queriesanswered before getting it booked.

I just cant wait to actually say We've booked :-) It will feel 10 time more real then i think.

Good luck and wishing you all the best too x


Nicola x

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Hey another 2011 bride here!! We're getting married January 31st 2011, but we're going to get married in Puerto Vallarta. We're honeymooning in Riviera Maya, though.


We, too, are waiting for prices for 2011 to come out...I'm on pins and needles! My travel agent said she hopes to have some prices for me by next week, so we'll see.


I haven't decided on a venue yet...it's probably between Dreams PV and Vallarta Palace. I think the deciding factor will be the prices :)


Best of luck to you in your planning!! This is all very exciting, isn't ithuh.gif

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Another 2011 bride here! We're planning for mid-may, hopefully May 14th 2011. Everyone keeps telling me how fast your engagement goes, so I guess we're all not planning that far in advace wink.gif


My fiance and I are actually going on vacation to mexico in 2 weeks!! My hopes are set on the resort we are staying at for our wedding location, but we are also checking out another resort which allows kids. My fiance has 3 cousins that will all be 12 and under when we get married, so we haven't completely decided what to do with adults only vs. family friendly...


Hopefully we will have decided the wedding resort once our upcoming vacation is over. We'll be looking at Dreams Riviera Cancun and staying at the Valentin Imperial Maya, so if anyone wants advice about these two resorts, ask me after February 6th!


Is anyone considering family friendly places for their wedding? After reading trip advisor reviews and this forum until my eyes are bloodshot, it seems like the adults only places offer a bit more in terms of luxury. We're also planning for 50-60 guests (maybe more?) so its seems a shame to pick a family friendly place for 3 kids... but hopefully we'll have a more soild idea of what to do after visiting the different resorts.

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Hi 2011 bride here as well!!

Congrats & welcome!!! My Date is not official but we're looking at 10/8/2011 either at Dreams Tulum or Aruba Marriot Resort in Aruba. I've been to Aruba & I LOVED it!! I've been to Mexico but not in Tulum. I've heard great things about Tulum & about how beautiful it is. I think Tulum will be more economical. I'm traveling to Tulum this spring to see for myself. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

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VlynnW.... I forgot about doing a search first!!! Really Sorry!


Nice to hear about all the other 2011 brides, good to hear what you all have to say :-)

I look forward to planning with you all and hearing your planning excitment.


Nicola x

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