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Hurricane worries

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I'm so excited because my wedding is officially booked for September 30th at he Riu MoBay, but some are questioning my choice of season. I always knew that it was in hurricane season, but never really thought too much about it. My question now is, what is the probability that a hurricane will hit during the wedding? Is there anyone out there that has this same concern? Is the storm that bad? Can you still be married during it, or does Jamaica ship everyone out of the country? I'm from northern Canada and don't have a clue about these things. Has anyone else dealt with all of this? Any information or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Yes, having a wedding during hurricane season is a gamble. Jamaica lies in the path where the storms are likely to hit. And yes, August and September can be pretty active months. Ask your resort what their contingency plan is for hurricanes. Chances are they would push events back without it costing you anything (since it's a natural occurance). I live in FL and I've been through a tropical storm... that was nothing to play with and it wasn't even a hurricane at the time.


But to be honest, I wouldn't necessarily worry. It's something to keep in mind and prepare for however.

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Chrissymst, I can appreciate your concern regarding having a wedding during a stormy season and some of my guests questioned my judgment too. But then I got thinking, could it be any worse than winter weddings here in Canada? We know that winter is between Sept - March in some parts of Canada but the worst months are Jan/Feb. There are chances for pretty serious storms but yet people plan weddings for this time of year anyway and most have really beautiful weddings. There is a risk but I don't think it's any greater than having a wedding in Jan/Feb in Canada.

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Originally Posted by kerrij View Post
i know someone who got married in Nov in Jamaica and it rained everyday but 2. sad.gif
Yep, it's a risk. I've also been reading Tripadvisor and people who went in January had rain every day too. It's the weather and none of us have control over it. My thought is if a little "less than perfect" weather is going to ruin my day, then maybe I shouldn't have a wedding. ANYWHERE you go there is going to be a chance the weather isn't perfect. It could be perfect every day BUT my wedding day. I say, "Oh Well". I'm planning on just rolling with whatever the good Lord gives me that day because He has already given me such a great blessing in the man I'm going to marry. And that is good enough for me.
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I would keep it in mind, but I wouldn't stress over it. I mean, you can't control the weather, so there's no point in worrying yourself over it. However, I would speak to your WC to see if there is an alternate plan in case you need to move your ceremony/reception to another location. I'm sure they deal with these kinds of things all the time, so I would imagine they are pretty good about having back-up plans. :)


In the meantime, don't forget that rain can make for sexy photos if you're into TTD!

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