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Fun Games for Making Us Kiss!

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Well other than the boring clinking of glasses, the only other thing I've seen at weddings was having to tell a story about either the bride or groom...... but I didn't hear a lot of stories!! I think people were a little shy to get up & use the mic..... sooo I'd love to hear anyone elses ideas!!

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I've seen many different things, including:

- the dj brings in a big dice and every side is an action that the person rolling has to act out

- someone (or an entire table) has to sing a song with the word 'love' in it

- answering questions (that the mc has prepared) about the couple getting married

- playing with a hula hoop and making sure you keep it going for at least longer than 5 sec


hope this gives you some ideas!

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We're doing the dice game. We bought two giant inflatable dice. Each number correlates to an action...some are funny/embarassing ways my FI and I have to kiss, but some are funny things that the roller and his/her table must do!! We're getting the roller's whole table involved (instead of just the roller), so it takes pressure off of people and they won't feel too embarassed to play.


It was REALLY hard to find alternatives to the traditional "clinking of the glasses" game...

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Love the dice idea! Thanks for sharing!


A friend did Mission Impossible Type activities where each table was given an envelope with a cute message about how it would self destruct and each table had a mission to do:

- Get a round of shots for their table and another

- Sing a song

- Do a swing dance with people from another table

- Bride Trivia

- Groom Trivia

- Reneactment Scene of the bride and grooms first meeting!


I really like this idea and think I'll make a version of my own...maybe the dice could be incorperated into a mission too! She said it went really well because everyone was having a super time and the drinks were flowing!


Keep the ideas coming ladies!

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  • 3 weeks later...

bahiabride - I've never heard of giving each table some things to do during the reception but I really like it! While most of our friends are really social, and we only have a small handful of family attending, there will definitely be some segregation between groups so this would be an awesome way to help them interact more!


Another couple ideas to add in to the list...


At my cousins wedding, they had placed a small dish with Hershey Kisses on every table so when you wanted the bride and groom to kiss you had to bring up one of your Hershey Kisses to fill the bowl on the head table.


At my friends wedding just a couple months ago, they had all the guests (in couples) fill out their names on a slip of paper that went into a basket. In order to get the bride and groom to kiss, a couple would have to first "show them how its done" and then the bride and groom had to repeat the same gesture. I think it was a couple from the wedding party who started it out and then they picked a name of another couple from the basket to keep the chain going. If your name was picked you didn't have to go up right away so everyone had a little time to plot their way of acting out the kiss. It was a LOT of fun and even the parents, aunts and uncles etc got involved!

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
at my friends wedding just a couple months ago, they had all the guests (in couples) fill out their names on a slip of paper that went into a basket. In order to get the bride and groom to kiss, a couple would have to first "show them how its done" and then the bride and groom had to repeat the same gesture. I think it was a couple from the wedding party who started it out and then they picked a name of another couple from the basket to keep the chain going. If your name was picked you didn't have to go up right away so everyone had a little time to plot their way of acting out the kiss. It was a lot of fun and even the parents, aunts and uncles etc got involved!

i love love this idea!! Gotta see how many couples i have coming to see if this is even an option for me.
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At our wedding, we made people answer a Three's Company trivia question!


Some b/g...

The first time my husband and I met, he asked me some trivia questions about Three's Company (b/c my friends and I were heading to a bar called the Reagle Beagle, which if you've ever watched Three's Company, you know it's the name of the pub they all hang out at:-))...

He asked me things like, how many roommates did Jack have over the course of the show? etc etc...


Anywaaay, so we made up a short poem that we placed on the tables that basically said (in rhyme) that in order to see us kiss they had to answer a Three's Compnay Trivia question CORRECTLY, incuding things like singing the theme song...it was really fun!

If they got it wrong they had to do a shot of tequila:-)

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