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Previous ROR brides... Tipping

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I have noticed that many previous ROR brides mention that tipping helps to get better service. While I am somewhat disappointed by this, as I don't want to have my guests have to spend any extra money, realistically I do want to be prepared. I really don't want to have to use an ATM down there and be hit with the fees, so I would like to bring whatever cash I am going to need. How much money would you suggest bringing along for tips? I have read that some brides had to tip housekeeping to get their rooms cleaned well, for better reservations for dinner, for some front desk assistance, for better drinks, etc. Just wanted some feedback from previous brides or to see if future brides are planning to bring tip money as well.

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I haven't been to ROR, but I always tip when I go to Mexico, Dominican Republic, and Belize. We usually bring several hundred dollars for tipping. I tip the housekeeper, front desk clerk as soon as we get there, and the bartenders. I feel like we get much better service when we tip and I like to tip because I know that the hotel workers do not get paid much money at all. Hope that helps =)

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Just an FYI... you usually get the best exchange rate when using an ATM. Your best to make a withdrawl and pay the fee than to bring cash and exchange.

As for tipping... it is a very double edged sword! While I understand the reason for tipping it also lowers service in all-inclusive resorts where people usually pay a premium to stay there. The cost of tipping is built in and should not be necessary. On the other side of the coin, I understand that many workers are not paid very well, all tho this may not be true at the high end resorts. If we were all to tip for great service, it would be better to tip at the end of a trip when you leave as this would ensure the best service for everybody while they were there. Again, this could only happen in a dream world and is not realistic. As well, we want to tip at the time we receive good service and to the person offering it.

I could go on and on about tipping, who should be tipped, what services, yada yada yada... in the end there is good and bad to each side. To tip or not to tip... that is the question.

I think I've said enough... its your call.

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Thanks ladies. I guess I asked this b/c last year we took a trip to an all-inclusive in Mexico. We had excellent service the entire time we were there and the people that worked there did not expect tips, in fact they weren't even supposed to take them if offered. I actually saw some politely refuse. This great experience has skewed my view of tipping. Like u said it is a double-edged sword at an all-inclusive.

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I brought a couple hundred to ROR for tipping and tipped anyone/everyone. But honestly I don't think that the workers there expected a tip or acted any differently if they were given a tip. Some of my guests didn't tip that often and didn't notice that they were treated any better/worse because of it. We had a great experience with all of the ROR staff.

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We spent about 200 on tips while down there for 2 weeks. Not including anything to do with the wedding. For Chandlyn we gave 50 and a bottle of perfume, 50 for Niki, and a mug for her and Niki. We gave each Bartender at our reception 10.00 plus our guests rounded up a very hefty tip for them too...it helped that they knew them and liked them from previous nights. They knew us by name the rest of the trip. We tipped each server at our reception 20.00 and they knew us the whole time as well.

Throughout the resort, we left 2-3.00 a day for the maid, 5.00 the day after the wedding cause it was a mess. We gave about 10.00 when 4 of us went to Mammee Bay for dinner. After a night with the bartenders they usually gave about 10.00. Breakfast Buffet I would leave a dollar or two depending if we got service (sometimes they will bring your drinks and coffee, other times they are too busy cleaning up) At the dinner buffet we usually left 5.00 but that was a table of 4-6.

At the Spa I gave 5.00 for my mani/pedi and 20.00 for my hair - which is a lot but she did an amazing job and she was very nice, then I found out she was prego which brought my original 10 to 20 instead - I have a 7 month old.

Needless to say, some of our other guests didn't tip so much and some tipped more. At the end of the day your experience will be great no matter what. We like to help the locals out wherever I can, it makes us feel good.

Also, we didn't tip to get in to a restaurant - that's just odd.

We only tipped the front desk after we got upgraded due to being bride and groom. That was not expected and we did that discreetly as well.

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When FI and I went to Cancun, we tipped everyone even though it was already included. For our wedding I plan on tipping everyone too. I work in the service industry and I know what it is like. In my travel packet, I have suggested to my guests that they should bring money to tip. I stated that it is not required but a couple of dollars here and there would be a good idea.

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