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Hi Fellow Destination Brides to Be!

I am a relatively new to this site (newbie) and is interested in having my wedding in Mexico..not sure where yet. Anyway, a friend suggested that for a destination in weddings, the favors could be authentic mexican hot chocalate mixes (never had any but apparently delicous). I thought that was a great idea and wanted to pass it along to you girls:)smile159.gif

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I googled it and found that Amazon sells this kind for like $4.25:

Mexican Chocolate Abuelita by Nestle 18.8 oz which seems to be authentic even though Nestle makes it:) but it is in tablet form as oppose to our powders. Kinda Neat. I am going to order some and try it and let you girls know. Apparently Mexican hot chocolate is like spiced hot chocolate. My friend was like wait till you get to Mexico and you could buy any kind of authentic mexican hot chocolate mix at any of the bodegas for cheap but I am curious to see what the taste is.

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Also, if you decide to buy in bulk before you go, check your Mexican markets if there are some where you live. I'm in L.A. but you can find that at grocery stores here for about $3. There is another brand called "Ibarra" that tends to cost less than abuelita. You may be able to save some $$.

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  • 2 months later...

If you are having a wedding in Mexico why buy the hot chocolate in the states?.. buy when you get to Mexico. You can have your coordinator pick it up. They literally sell it EVERYWHERE.


Abuelita chocolate is really great. They actually have two flavors: traditional with some cinamon flavor and Fruity vanilla. Both are incredible. They also have it in several presentations: 200g bar (like an extra large hersheys bar) and 540g - this comes in a really cute hexagonal box.


I have it right in front of me and you guys made me get it out. Now I'm going to have to make some and force myself to drink it.. :P

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