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Mommies to be check in


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We have a few new preggies around here so I thought I would see how everyone is doing.


I also had some requests for bump photos from people, so let's see them ladies, post your bumps!

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here is my update

I am 30 weeks along and the baby is still sitting across me, her head is on my left side and her butt/legs are on the right side. The Dr. thinks she probably will still turn but says he's very surprised she is still transverse, if she doesn't turn within the next month they will schedule a c-section. Anyway, my parents were in town a few weeks ago and we worked on her room, the room is centered around the beautiful monograms Sarah made for me.

Click the image to open in full size.

I am still waiting for the quilt that my step-mom ordered for her bedroom and then I will take some more photos of the room, which by the way I love and just go and sit in often. I think its by far my most favorite room ever.


the same week we had a 3-D ultrasound it was so cool, even though the pictures are a little creepy, it was a very neat experience.

here is Ainsleigh about to kick me

Click the image to open in full size.

this one is a pretty decent one of her face, she was playing with her umbilical cord and feet the whole time so most of the face ones were pretty distorted.

Click the image to open in full size.


I am feeling huge and uncomfortable, but I will let the photos speak for themselves.

Click the image to open in full size.

this is 28/29 weeks-I officially have stretch marks now.

Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.



anyway that is my update, your turn.

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I have my baby bump photos but not here at work. I'll have to post next week.


I'm 10 weeks and 3 days.


I had a bad day yesterday. I spotted blood (red) on Tuesday night and again on Wednesday morning (brown). I had myself really freaked out. I left a message at the Dr.'s office at 8:30 and finally called back at 9:30 when I didn't hear back. The person I spoke to said it was nothing to worry about, but I decided to stay in bed all day. :)


Other than my little freak out yesterday I'm doing great! I know spotting can be normal but I thought the worse and really didn't want to be at work incase anything were to progress.


Today was a much better day!

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thanks for posting these christine! i love baby belly photos. i think theyre soooo cool. when i get preg eventually i am going to make jose take a picture every day so i can do a flip book haha.


angela, such a scare! glad everything is ok though! cant wait to see your pics :)

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Hey Christine...I don't want to feel like I'm butting in. So if I am just totally delete this or ignore me. I'm a very big supporter of I guess I'd say "natural birthing". And advocating Cesarean Awareness. Anyways I have some great info on how babies can be turned and things you can do so you don't end up with a c-section. Theres tons of info if you're interested! April is International Cesarean Awareness Month! Anyways I just wanted to let any of the preggo mothers on the board if you want to pm me.

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Calia, thanks, I actually go to a yoga class that is taught by a doula who is all about natural stuff and already gave me a bunch of positions and such about turning her. Personally I totally don't care either way if I have a c-section or natural delivery. My hospital has the highest C-section rate in our area (40%) so I am totally prepared for a c-section. For me as long as she comes out safely and healthy I don't care which way it is (sunroof or the regular door)

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Hey Angels--I'm sure everything will be ok. I'll send happy thoughts your way!


Christine! I love your baby bump! Your stretch marks aren't bad at all. I've got them just from getting fat! LOL I can't wait to be pregnant so I can take bump pictures. I am seriously considering the flip book!

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