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I'm wondering what you girls are planning for favors. We don't want to spent a ton, since we're already planning to do OOT bags, but want to have something small at each person's seat.

I like MariaElena's starfish magnets, and that might be something we could consider. I also was thinking about doing custom printed M&M's, (I'll post the link on a different thread for those that are interested) but they are a little pricey (about $20 a pound). I think I'd have to carry them on though so they didn't melt.

So, what are you planning to do?

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Yah, I dont think we will be doing favors either. But a possible idea is donating x amount of dollars per guest to a good charity and then making up some type of card that says "in leu of favors we have chosen to donate to so and so". Or something like that. The cards wouldnt be hard to carry over to Cabo either.

I was thinking about maybe doing this with one.org but I'm not sure. I was in a wedding where they did this and I thought it was really thoughtfull.

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I saw the m&m's and i love them. I will either do that because people can eat them down there or not do anything at all. I would carry them on so they won't melt. My FI is not so happy with the amount of stuff we are carrying on. He wants to ship everything down there. Are any of you doing that? Sorry it is kind of off topic.

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What about making a donation to a charity in Cabo that helps local children? I think this might me a really nice idea to help the children where you are getting married. I'm sure your guests would love it!


I was just on trip advisor and saw this post. This lady will even come and pickup the donations and will make sure they are delivered to the correct people.


Posted on: 10:17 pm, February 07, 2006Report inappropriate post


Thanks to many of you that want to help our children I thought I make a separate post on how those that want to can help.

If you want to help a little or a lot...we can really use baby blankets/receiving blankets, new small suffed animals, sleepers or onezies for our newborn babies. No, we never have too many.

Our art teacher that volunteers her time can use paint, paper or brushes for her kids. Watercolor ;-).

Our schools can use your old laptops that work. (We would only be able to give them to the schools with electricity.) Ones that don't work aren't of any use, sorry. Many of our children learn to use computers on cardboard boxes...some things just aren't right.

We can use fat crayons for real little people as well as regular crayons, paper, backpacks and any other school supplies normal kids use.

If you are limited on room, feel free to go to Soriana's or on the current 'down' steet in front of Love Shack where they sell school supplies. You can purchase items when you get here.

Really, our children, their parents and teachers can use all the help they can get. And, best of all...they are very appreciative and say Thank You!

If you'd like to e-mail me directly my address is: [email protected] and when you get here, my cell phone here in Cabo is 044-624-355-3477.

~Abrazos y un beso to you all. Diana

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Originally Posted by Natalie M View Post
I saw the m&m's and i love them. I will either do that because people can eat them down there or not do anything at all. I would carry them on so they won't melt. My FI is not so happy with the amount of stuff we are carrying on. He wants to ship everything down there. Are any of you doing that? Sorry it is kind of off topic.
I haven't decided yet. I think we are going to try to carry on as much as possible, and then ask my family to bring whatever we can't fit with them. Shipping just costs so much and seems rather unreliable from what I've heard.
I was kinda thinking the same thing about the M&M's. They'll eat them at the reception and then they'll be gone- nothing to carry home.
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