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RANT- screaming babies in fancy restaurants


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So I know this is totally off topic but still, have to bring it up.

Last night was my mom's b-day. FI and I saved up to bring her to a pretty upscale hibachi restaurant last night that she has never been to before. FI and I had our first date there, got engaged there a year later, and go back every anniversary. So we were excited to show her the place and also my 11yr old daughter.

We are there for 2 hours and the family at the table next to ours has an infant about 3 months old. This poor thing is wailing at the top of her lungs the entire time. Idiots at table alternate between passing her around the hot table like a football and ignoring her while she's perched in her infant seat (also close to this hot surface).

Baby's family continue to eat and order drinks as if this is no big deal. Meanwhile, every person in the place is shooting them dirty looks. I have come across this blatant disrespect from other parents before but never at a place like this. Isn't there a time and place for everything? We all left with headaches and couldn't wait to get home to some peace and quite.

Don't get me wrong, I adore babies but sometimes I wish places like this would post a sign saying "no infants please". Sometimes these parents just don't know when enough is enough.

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So I know this is totally off topic but still, have to bring it up.

Last night was my mom's b-day. FI and I saved up to bring her to a pretty upscale hibachi restaurant last night that she has never been to before. FI and I had our first date there, got engaged there a year later, and go back every anniversary. So we were excited to show her the place and also my 11yr old daughter.

We are there for 2 hours and the family at the table next to ours has an infant about 3 months old. This poor thing is wailing at the top of her lungs the entire time. Idiots at table alternate between passing her around the hot table like a football and ignoring her while she's perched in her infant seat (also close to this hot surface).

Baby's family continue to eat and order drinks as if this is no big deal. Meanwhile, every person in the place is shooting them dirty looks. I have come across this blatant disrespect from other parents before but never at a place like this. Isn't there a time and place for everything? We all left with headaches and couldn't wait to get home to some peace and quite.

Don't get me wrong, I adore babies but sometimes I wish places like this would post a sign saying "no infants please". Sometimes these parents just don't know when enough is enough.

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I agree that "sometimes enough is enough". But I don't know. Hibachi restaurants are usually notoriously loud places, it's not like it was at a quiet romantic restaurant where everyone whispers. If I was a mother, I might be offended that I couldn't take my child to a hibachi place b/c not all infants are screamers. I don't have kids, but I am super close with my niece and nephew. My niece is now 5.5 years old (can't forget the half, ya know!) and she was a bit harder in restaurants, but my sister always tended to her and never ignored her. My nephew is now 3.5 and he has always been good in restaurants. So I don't think it would be fair to exclude these families completely. But I do agree that a screaming child is not ok and that family should've done what they could to comfort the baby rather then pass it around and not pay it any attention.


So I guess I am saying I get where you are coming from and agree that the screaming isn't cool, but I don't really think families with children shouldn't be allowed in restaurants. UNLESS this hibachi restaurant isn't like ones I've been to and IS a quiet romantic place!


Sorry your experience was less then perfect!

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Hi Carly,

I know what you mean that Hibachi places can be loud. This one is different though....it's perched on top of a mountain, has valet parking, gorgeous decor, ect. They also hold very fancy weddings and is quite expensive. So most people just go there for a special occasion (or unless they're rich lol). I very rarely see kids in there and the few that I've seen, they behave or parents take them out immedietley. It's not really family themed.

What I am trying to say is, why take the chance of ruining someone elses special day? If you know a kid is cranky, tired ect or your baby is teething, colicky whatever then why not just hire a babysitter for a few hours? Most parents have to save to splurge there and want to get away from every-day stresses while they are splurging. While it can be endearing to listen to your own child have a tantrum, it is not for total strangers who are spending hard earned $$$ to have a nice meal.

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I totally see what you mean. I think it's fine for kids to dine out because it teaches etiquette and reinforces good manners and habits. THAT being said, it really depends on the restaurant and the context. Somewhere kid friendly is good, but if it's a posh restaurant, maybe not. You want to work your way up with children.


I think what really grinds me up is when parents fail to effectively parent their children. I understand that child care is hard and sometimes parents look forward to special outings etc...but you still have to parent, and if your child is wailing, then excuse yourself and go out for a bit. Take turns with your spouse...but to sit there like nothing is wrong is not cool. Other patrons can't tune your kid out like you can. Have some consideration.

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I don't think any place should EVER say "no infants allowed" that is discrimination. Would it be okay if it excluded anyone else for any reason what-so-ever? No, it would not. If you don't want to hear the baby, move tables or leave, they have as much right to be there as you do.

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It's not the baby's fault. The parents should have been a bit more attentive. That said, I have had my dinner ruined by drunk loud people, people talking on the phone really loud, a table of teenagers being obnoxious to get the waitresses attention. All of which were old enough to know what was going on. Babies don't know they are ruining your meal. Poor thing was probably hungry or tired.

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I am not talking about romper room or Mcdonalds. I most defintely have every right to eat a nice meal in peace withou "moving tables" to get away from some crying kid. Do you expect everyone to have to tolerate your childs noise without showing considerationhuh.gif

I think parents like that are the reason "adults only" resorts were invented. There is a time and place for everything. 9:00 pm on a weeknight is not the time to listen to a screaming infant in a place like this, Denny's, maybe, but not here.

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